Rev. Henry Douglas Spaeth, son of the nationally known Lutheran Theologian and teacher of Lutheran pastors, became pastor in 1911. He came to us from Selinsgrove and was a brilliant, gifted, and impressive expounder of the Gospel.
To take care of the growing activities of the various societies of the church, Dr. Spaeth proposed the purchase of the property just North of the church and its conversion into a parish house. This was done and completely paid for during his administration. This building provided the home for the pastor on the second and third floors, together with his office and meeting place for the various societies on the first floor.
The name of the church was changed for the third time: this time from St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church to just “St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.”
The Missionary Society progressed to distinguished service during his leadership and he was also instrumental in binding together the men of the church in the Brotherhood.
Pastor Spaeth entered his Eternal Home early in 1920 and was succeeded by Rev. Paul L. Yount, D.D.