In early 1984 the church was served on an interim basis by Rev. Francis Bell, retired pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church of Williamsport. Shortly thereafter, Rev. Walter Lee Brandau was assigned by the Synod as pastor. Pastor Brandau was called to be the pastor of St. Mark’s in 1984, and he served the congregation until his retirement in 1995.
Pastor Brandau was born March 19, 1930 in Hazleton, PA son of Martin E. Brandau and Dorothy Richards Brandau, then baptized into the Christian Church at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hazleton, PA. He married Shirley Jean Welker of Sunbury, PA at Zion Lutheran Church where she was serving as the office secretary.
He was a pastor of the Central Pennsylvania Synod of the Lutheran Church in America since ordination in 1954, at Zion Lutheran Church of Sunbury, PA. Prior to St. Mark's, he led St. John’s Lutheran Church of Espy and Hidlay Lutheran Church of Bloomsburg, PA., Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Berlin, PA, Trinity Lutheran Church of Milton, PA and Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Johnstown, PA.
Pastor Brandau’s work, brought on an improvement in Sunday School enrollment, added more young families to the membership, and updated church facilities including the area around the church
He developed innovative approaches to his ministry for children, including using hand puppets and dramatics to illustrate Bible stories. His portrayal of Martin Luther in a dramatic setting was much admired.
He held a strong concern for social ministry and participated in flood relief efforts in stricken communities in Florida and other areas.
After his retirement, he served various churches on an interim basis. In 2005, he moved to Florida, where he died in 2006.
Pastor Brandau is fondly remembered as a kind man who was well liked by the congregation.