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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


  News &

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  Independence Day Hospitality - St. Mark's greeted hundreds of visitors, gave out hot dogs and popcorn, offered a concert and watched fireworks  (Read more...)


  Alba Paige Hanford Baptism - We welcomed Alba Paige Hanford to the Family of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, on April 7, 2024.  (Read more...)


  Images of Easter Sunday - Starting with the Easter Vigil - continuing through our Easter morning hospitality and Ending with the Easter Sunday service.  (Read more...)


  Shrove Tuesday - We gathered on Shrove Tuesday to eat donuts, burn palms for ashes and bury the Alleluia.  (Read more...)


  Souper Bowl of Caring - Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring!  (Read more...)


  Annual Meeting Report - The annual meeting of the St. Mark's congregation took place after services on December 10, 2023.  (Read more...)


  Annual Meeting Luncheon Photos - Photos from our annual meeting luncheon of December 10, 2023, that followed the annual meeting and services.  (Read more...)


  St. Mark's Annual Report Issued - The annual report to the congregation was issued in time for the annual meeting on December 10, 2023.  (Read more...)


  Operation Christmas Child - On Sunday November 12, 2023, we packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  (Read more...)


  All Saints Sunday 2023 - Celebrating all the saints, November 5, 2023  (Read more...)


  Harvest Home: "A Day of Thanksgiving" - St. Mark's celebrated a Day of Thanksgiving, by donating food. Harvest Home Sunday was traditionally the celebration to give thanks for the bountiful harvest, and for having food.  (Read more...)


  Pumpkin Carving Event - Photos of the October 21, 2023 event.  (Read more...)


  2023 CROP Walk - The 2023 CROP walk was a huge success, raising $940.00!  (Read more...)


  Our Fall Sale is a Success! - Thanks to all who helped with the fall sale.  (Read more...)


  Fall Crafts Event - September 2023 - St. Mark's held a Fall Crafting Saturday at the end of September and had 6 ladies attend.  (Read more...)


  St. Mark's Indoor Picnic and History Exhibit - St. Mark's held its "picnic" in fellowship hall on July 9, 2023. An exhibit from the archives provide some historical background.  (Read more...)


  Sam Robinson's July 4 Concert - St. Mark's celebrated July 4, 2023 with a concert. Watch it here  (Read more...)


  July 4 Celebration at St. Mark's - Photographs from St. Mark's July 4 celebration and hospitality.  (Read more...)


  Milestones: High School & College Graduation - Congratulations are being sent to our 2023 high school graduate, Owen Gair, and to our May 2023 college graduates - Taylor Wentzel, Penn State University; Annika Waffenschmidt, High Point University.   (Read more...)


  Holy Week at St Marks 2023 - Photographs taken during Holy Week 2023  (Read more...)


  Renewal of Baptism - At the Easter Vigil, Richard Bates, Jr. renewed his baptismal promises and returned to St. Mark's.  (Read more...)


  Fastnachts - A Shrove Tuesday Tradition - St. Mark's started a new (or restarted an old) tradition by celebrating Shrove Tuesday with fastnachts. We gathered with Pastor LeCrone and other members of St. Luke Lutheran for fastnachts and fellowship.  (Read more...)


  Souper Bowl of Caring - Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring!  (Read more...)


  Congregation Council Installed - St. Mark's marked the start of 2023 by installing newly selected Congregation Council members, at both services.   (Read more...)


  A Piece of Our Past . . The Christmas Figurines - Ever wonder where our ceramic Christmas figurines came from?  (Read more...)


  St. Mark's Annual Report Issued - The annual report to the congregation was issued in time for the annual meeting on December 4, 2022.   (Read more...)


  St Marks Participates in Operation Christmas Child - On Sunday, November 6th, the tables were filled with all sorts of goodies ready to be packed into shoeboxes to be sent to children throughout the world as part of Operation Christmas Child  (Read more...)


  Remembering the Saints - Members of St. Mark's Lutheran Church who entered the Church Triumphant since All Saints' Day 2021  (Read more...)


  Harvest Home Sunday - Our congregation celebrated a “Day of Thanksgiving" by bringing nonperishable food items for local United Churches Food Pantry, on Harvest Home Sunday, October 16.  (Read more...)


  St. Mark's Walks to Stop Hunger - The CROP walk was a huge success on October 9th!   (Read more...)

