News &
● Shrove Tuesday 2025 - We gathered on March 5, Shrove Tuesday, to eat donuts, burn palms for ashes and bury the Alleluia. (Read more...)
● Creating Advent Wreaths - With the start of the Advent season, we celebrated by creating Advent wreaths. (Read more...)
● Indoor Church Picnic - Photos from St. Mark's Indoor Church Picnic (Read more...)
● Independence Day Hospitality - St. Mark's greeted hundreds of visitors, gave out hot dogs and popcorn, offered a concert and watched fireworks (Read more...)
● Annual Meeting Luncheon Photos - Photos from our annual meeting luncheon of December 10, 2023, that followed the annual meeting and services. (Read more...)
● Pumpkin Carving Event - Photos of the October 21, 2023 event. (Read more...)
● Fall Crafts Event - September 2023 - St. Mark's held a Fall Crafting Saturday at the end of September and had 6 ladies attend. (Read more...)
● St. Mark's Indoor Picnic and History Exhibit - St. Mark's held its "picnic" in fellowship hall on July 9, 2023. An exhibit from the archives provide some historical background. (Read more...)
● Sam Robinson's July 4 Concert - St. Mark's celebrated July 4, 2023 with a concert. Watch it here (Read more...)
● St Marks Indoor Picnic - We enjoyed a picnic lunch on July 24, 2022 in the comfort of Fellowship Hall. (Read more...)
● Photos from St. Mark's July 4, 2022 Hospitality - St. Mark's resumed it's July 4 hospitality after 2 years absence. Many hot dogs & much pop corn was consumed! (Read more...)
● Making Advent Wreaths - We gathered on Sunday, November 28 to make Advent Wreaths, for St. Mark's families to use at home during the Advent season. (Read more...)
● Pumpkin Carving Fun - Pumpkins turned into Jack-O'Lanterns for a very fun evening! (Read more...)
● St. Mark's July 4, 2019 Events - July 4 revelers visited St. Mark's for hot dogs, pop corn, patriotic music and fireworks on Independence Day. It was a fun time for all. (Read more...)
● Photos from the 2019 Hobby Expo - Check out the Hobby Expo photos. From plants to music to baskets to staging. Its all there. (Read more...)
● Pumpkins! - Pumpkin carving took place on October 27, in preparation for Halloween. About 20 people attended and were involved with the carving. (Read more...)
● Photos from July 4 Hospitality - A St. Mark's tradition: popcorn, hot dogs, drinks and friendly faces greet visitors to Williamsport on July 4. (Read more...)
● Celebrating the Passover Seder - Celebrating the Passover Seder at St. Mark's Lutheran Church (Read more...)
● March Lunch & Fellowship - At the community lunch on March 21, almost 50 people were served (the pasta and meatballs were excellent). (Read more...)
● Welcoming Advent - Our annual Advent tradition of wreath making continued this year. On Sunday, November 26, approximately 12 members built their wreaths. As usual - each was a unique piece of art. (Read more...)