With the retirement of Pastor Hasskarl, the
council and congregation decided to implement a team ministry with
Dale E. Johnson and a new pastor to be called. The Rev. Stephen F.
Yelovich was called in 1982 to be the second pastor and for a year
the struggle to make this concept work was carried on. Pastor
Johnson moved to St. Andrew Evangelical Lutheran Church, Muncy, in 1983.
Pastor Yelovich left St. Mark's in 1984.
Pastor Yelovich is a native of Pennsylvania. He was born in Bethlehem, PA. He received his B.A. at Kutztown State University and his M. Divinity at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, PA. He has served churches in Reading, PA, Scranton, PA, Centre Hall, PA, and Garrett County, MD.
He retired in January 2012 from St. Luke's Lutheran in Cumberland, MD, which he served since 1994.