Sunday Worship Youth & Family Music Milestones Stephen Ministry The Way
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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


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12.24.2007 - Christmas Pageant: A Night For Dancing

12.19.2007 - Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies!

12.19.2007 - Kids' Day Out

12.16.2007 - Making Advent Wreaths

12.16.2007 - Primary Student Bible Milestone 2007

11.26.2007 - Signing with the Cross with Catechetical Students

11.26.2007 - First Communion Milestone

11.18.2007 - Lycoming College Choirs Bless St. Mark's Services

11.8.2007 - The Cross is Rehung!

11.4.2007 - Commissioning of Stephen Ministers

11.1.2007 - Blessing of the Keys - Derek Gilbert

10.31.2007 - Pastor Elkin's Second Archaeological Adventure

10.22.2007 - Consecration Sunday

10.14.2007 - Harvest Home Sunday

9.19.2007 - Milestone: 75 or more Years of Praising God

9.18.2007 - Sunday School Year Up-and-Running

9.18.2007 - 2007-08 Catechetical Students

8.7.2007 - In the Beginning . . .

8.4.2007 - The Making of "In the Beginning"

8.2.2007 - Shirts for Liberia

7.26.2007 - Shepherd of the Streets Speaks at Forum

7.11.2007 - The Bishop's Visit

7.8.2007 - Independence Day with St. Mark's

7.2.2007 - Baptism Milestone

7.1.2007 - Young Violinists Perform During Services

6.21.2007 - Captive Free Performance

6.18.2007 - Vacation Bible School 2007

6.10.2007 - Scenes from the summer picnic

6.1.2007 - Mark Kinney - Blessing of the Keys

5.22.2007 - Church Council Members Elected

5.7.2007 - Wedding Anniversary Milestone 2007

5.5.2007 - Dick Lakey's 30 Years

4.28.2007 - Sharon Comini's Mission to Feed the Hungry

4.8.2007 - Easter Egg Hunt 2007

4.5.2007 - The Passover Seder

4.1.2007 - Lycoming College Chamber Choir, Palm Sunday.

3.31.2007 - March Family Game Night

3.30.2007 - St. Mark's Confirmands Travel to Philadelphia

3.30.2007 - Sunday School Basketball teams 2007

3.17.2007 - Confirmation class leads Children’s Church

2.24.2007 - Winter retreat at Camp Mount Luther

2.17.2007 - Family Game Night

2.11.2007 - Bells to Chime Again!

2.4.2007 - All the Languages of the Good News - 2007

1.24.2007 - St. Mark's hosts United Campus Ministry

2008 Articles 2006

Sunday School Year Off and Running!


Sunday School at St. Mark’s is a wonderful time of fellowship and learning for all ages--from our oldest to our youngest members of the congregation.

Our program opens in Fellowship Hall at 9:15 on Sunday morning, where we all meet to share a brief lesson, sing and find out what’s new. Five to ten minutes later, we proceed to our various classes:

For our adults, we have a choice of two:


V Crossways is a continuing Bible study with Pastor Elkin as the leader. This year begins with discussion centered around the topic “Lord I Believe, Help My Unbelief; A Study of the Apostle’s Creed in Contemporary Life.” There are seats available in the Crossways room.


V  Middle Lounge: This group pursues a variety of topics. This year several persons will be sharing the leadership of this assembly. The first series of gatherings is exploring “Caring and Community; Perspectives from Ephesians.” There are seats available in the room.


Pre-school Sunday School classOur high school youth meet in a room set up especially for them in an informal setting that encourages discussion on matters important to them. Lou Deseau and Bob Jones continue to lead this group after effectively developing the format in 2006. The youth have expressed an interest in examining current affairs and how the Bible helps us to put things in perspective. They also have a little “breakfast bar” available to them on Sunday mornings and access to contemporary Christian CDs.

As they prepare for confirmation, our middle school students involve themselves with a more goal-oriented curriculum as they learn about what, exactly, it means to be a Lutheran. They learn about the history, prayers, terminology and services of the church. They also become involved with service projects and trips to locations important to the history of the Lutheran church in America.

FishingThe “Growing in Christ” curriculum is followed for our elementary-aged children. This program teaches with age-appropriate lesson plans utilizing crafts, song, Bible reading and prayer focused on connecting the lessons with the children’s everyday lives. The classes are divided into K-1, 2-3 and 4-5. The teachers volunteer on a monthly rotation that keeps things fresh for the children and doesn’t exhaust our volunteers.

Last, but most lively, is our pre-school group. Their lessons are also planned through “Growing in Christ.” They are involved in lots of activities and crafts centered on the theme of the day’s lesson, from making Advent wreaths from paper plates and paper rolls to “fishing” from a life raft (that was a fun day!).