At St. Mark's, youth and family ministry is fully integrated into the life of a congregation, and directed outward toward witness and service to the community and world. It is also deeply rooted and grounded in God's Word and the proclamation of the Christian Gospel.
Our youth and family ministry has an evangelical purpose, to tell about God's grace--that God has loved us with an everlasting love whose name is Jesus; that God has done for us what we cannot do for ourselves, namely, claim us and grace us with a forever love. Youth and family ministry is centered in the life and way of Jesus and focused on our growth as disciples.
The goal of St. Mark's youth ministry is to nurture the next generation in the faith--passing on God's Story as a living Word--inviting young people to come and see, come and follow, and go and tell. Youth ministry is is an integral part of the this congregation's mission and ministry. Teams of caring, trusted adults and responsible, committed young leaders volunteer to undertake this ministry at St. Mark's.
ministry focuses on faith formation. This is about helping young
people grow in the grace, faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and
deepening and strengthening their relationship with God.
How does St. Mark's seek to achieve these goals?