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Dez 30 - Jesus Must

Dez 30 - I Will Not Forget

Dez 28 - Hear, See, Do

Dez 27 - Fresh Every Morning

Dez 24 - The Fullness of Time...for Us

Dez 23 - Emotions of Advent: Graced Wonder

Dez 16 - Confused Anticipation

Dez 9 - Moods of Advent: Anger

Dez 2 - Moods of Advent: Anxiety

Nov 25 - Not Overwhelmed

Nov 18 - Piles of Troubles

Nov 11 - Thankfulness

Nov 4 - The Communion of Saints...

Okt 28 - Look back, around, ahead!

Okt 21 - Consecration Sunday 2012

Okt 14 - The Right Questions

Okt 7 - God's Yes

Okt 6 - Waiting

Sep 30 - Insignificant?

Sep 23 - That pesky word "obedience"

Sep 16 - Led on their Way

Sep 15 - Partners in Thanks

Sep 12 - With Love

Sep 9 - At the edges

Sep 2 - Doers of the Word

Aug 26 - It's about God

Aug 19 - Jesus Remembers!

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Aug 12 - Bread of Life

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Aug 5 - One Faith, Many Gifts - Part 2

Jul 29 - One Faith, Many Gifts

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Jul 15 - New World A-Comin'

Jul 8 - Take nothing; take everything

Jul 1 - Laughter

Jun 24 - Salvation!

Jun 17 - Really?

Jun 10 - Renewed by the Future

Jun 3 - Remember, O Lord

Jun 3 - Out of Darkness, Light!

Mai 27 - Dem bones gonna rise again!

Mai 20 - It’s all about me, me, me.

Mai 13 - Blame it on the Spirit

Mai 12 - More than Problems

Mai 6 - Pruned for Living

Apr 29 - Called by no other name

Apr 22 - No and Yes

Apr 22 - Who's in charge here?

Apr 22 - Time Well-used

Apr 15 - The Resurrection of the Body

Apr 8 - For they were afraid

Apr 7 - It's All in a Name

Apr 6 - For us

Apr 6 - No Bystanders

Apr 5 - The Scandal of Servant-hood

Apr 1 - Two Processions

Mrz 28 - The Rich Young Man, Jesus, and Us

Mrz 25 - The Grain of Wheat

Mrz 18 - Grace

Mrz 14 - Elijah, Jezebel, and us

Mrz 8 - The Best Use of Time

Mrz 7 - David, Saul, and Us

Mrz 4 - Despair to Hope, for Abraham, for Us

Mrz 2 - The Word and words

Feb 29 - Jacob, Esau, and Us

Feb 26 - In the wilderness of this day

Feb 22 - It Doesn't End Here

Feb 19 - Why Worship?

Feb 12 - The Person is the Difference

Feb 5 - Healing and Service

Jan 29 - On the Frontier

Jan 22 - What about them?

Jan 15 - Come and See

Jan 14 - Joy and Pain at Christmastime

Jan 8 - To marvel, to fear, to do, and thus believe

Jan 1 - All in a Name

2013 Sermons         
2011 Sermons

More than Problems


Zetta Detwiler Wedding - May 12, 2012

The Rev. Kenneth R. Elkin


There are always problems.

If it isn't one thing, it is another.

Some part of the planning always goes awry.

The weather is too cold, too warm, too wet, too windy, or whatever.

Sadly, today, one parent is not able to be present.

Perfection; we want perfection, everything just so on the day of a wedding.


We don't even know the names of the bride and groom that day in Cana of Galilee.

We do know that there was a problem:

      the wine ran out when the party  was barely underway.

And we know one more thing: that the Lord Jesus was a guest at that wedding banquet, and his mother Mary had confidence that somehow he could make things come out right.

And he did.

There was wine enough, and more.


And more importantly, people began to wonder who this Jesus is and to marvel at his words and deeds, and maybe, just maybe, to believe that he has something of greatest importance to say and do with them.


It is just the same with us this day.

One doesn't even have to ask.

We know that there will be imperfections in the events of this day.

They may be large things,

or they may be small details....

but there will be some, and have already been some.

Before someone starts to lament, “Oh, it is all ruined, completely ruined.”....let us hang onto this:

The Lord Jesus is present.

Where two or three are gathered in his Name,

where two or three or 100+ people listen to his Word, he is here and somehow it will all turn out right.


In our preparatory conversations, Adam and Lynn and I talked about some of the twists and turns of life that have preceded this day.

Oh, of course there have been problems.

But during this time they have been confident that there will be a way through the problems.


To the Corinthians Paul says,

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then, face to face.

That's the way it is; we can only experience time one tick of the clock per second.

We don't know what good or evil things lie in front of us because we are not there yet.

We might make some guesses, but still we do not know for sure.

The one thing of which we can be confident is that the future is in the hands of the Lord God, and that in Holy Baptism he has promised to remember us, and to make something of us, even when we cannot guess what that might be.


Despite all of their long planning, Adam and Lynn do not know what is next.

In addition to confidence that the Lord will do something with them, where else will they be looking for aid, assistance, a good and kind word?


Today there is a whole room full of people who are agreeing to be there for Adam and Lynn.....everyone here.

We know that Jesus says:

Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder.

And just following their vows, I'll quote it again and invite all present to give the AMEN to it.

And as you speak that AMEN you will be agreeing to support and encourage Adam and Lynn in this marriage, and conversely, to do nothing that would drive them apart.

They need to know that they can count on you, each of you, family and friends.

Sin tugs at us constantly, trying to undo God's good gifts.

We need to call upon God in prayer;

and we need to call upon family and friends for another kind of assistance.


So at the Announcement of Marriage, give a formal cheer for God...Blessed be the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever.

And to Jesus' admonition about supporting marriage, give a firm AMEN.

Adam and Lynn need to hear it and be able to count on it;

You need to speak it, and then to live it.

It is a new day, a fresh day, a day of beginnings for Adam and Lynn and for the relationship of everyone else to them.


We are in the same position as Mary in that wedding at Cana in Galilee.

We recognize that there are problems, and we cannot see a way through them or around them.

We take the problems to Jesus, trusting that he will show us what will be good and true and mutually helpful and holy.

And he does.  Thanks be to God.


There was a prayer written over in England in the troubled times right before the start of WWII. 

It speaks well of our right attitude of trust and hopefulness that is the heart of the reading from 1 John today:


Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending,

by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. 

Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go,

but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 


Please note: The preceding sermon is provided as a resource for the thought, prayer, and meditation of the members and friends of St. Mark's. It is the residue of a verbal event, and thus it does not have academic footnotes and other details that would be expected in a written document. The writer gladly acknowledges the prior thought and work of many Christians before him.