2.16.2025 - Souper Bowl of Caring - Eagles vs. Chiefs
2.9.2025 - Blessing of the Keys - Levi Gair
1.13.2025 - Welcome to St. Mark's New Council Members
12.8.2024 - Report from St. Mark's Annual Meeting
12.1.2024 - 2024 Annual Report Issued
12.1.2024 - Creating Advent Wreaths
11.17.2024 - Operation Christmas Child
10.31.2024 - Summer & Fall Food Collections
10.13.2024 - Cropwalk
9.30.2024 - Supporting Camp Mount Luther
7.27.2024 - Indoor Church Picnic
7.13.2024 - Independence Day Hospitality
4.7.2024 - Alba Paige Hanford Baptism
3.31.2024 - Images of Easter Sunday
2.18.2024 - Shrove Tuesday
2.12.2024 - Souper Bowl of Caring
12.13.2023 - Annual Meeting Report
12.13.2023 - Annual Meeting Luncheon Photos
12.10.2023 - St. Mark's Annual Report Issued
11.13.2023 - Operation Christmas Child
The Kansas City Chiefs? The San Francisco 49ers?
Super Bowl Sunday meant that we again had a wonderful opportunity to think about others in our community. This year’s “Souper Bowl Sunday” was February 11. The “Famous Football Tubs” were in the Narthex ready to accept donations of soup, and other non perishable food, on Feb. 4 and Feb.11.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring! Thanks to your generous donations,
many cans of food were delivered to the food pantry to be used in their outreach ministries.
In addition, monetary donations were used to purchase grocery store gift cards to be donated to the Code Blue Ministry hosted at First Church.
Please pray this simple prayer that started the Souper Bowl of Caring 30+ years ago: "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat."