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St. Mark's Lutheran Church




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7.13.2024 - Independence Day Hospitality

4.7.2024 - Alba Paige Hanford Baptism

3.31.2024 - Images of Easter Sunday

2.18.2024 - Shrove Tuesday

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7.13.2023 - July 4 Celebration at St. Mark's

6.13.2023 - Milestones: High School & College Graduation

4.16.2023 - Holy Week at St Marks 2023

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Fall Sale Results

September 2023


Fall SaleThe Women of St. Mark’s and the Evangelism and Fellowship Committee recently held their annual Fall Sale in Fellowship Hall and the Crossways Room. Both areas were filled to the brim with treasures of all kinds. This year we chose not to price items but rather to request a donation in support of several non-profits in our community. After an evening and a day of selling we made a profit of $2,433.00!

The Women of St. Mark’s and the Evangelism and Fellowship Committee thank the congregation for their generous donations over the past two years. With a sale of this magnitude, it takes many volunteers to make it successful. The members and friends of St. Mark’s did not disappoint us.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to Coach Christen Ditzler and the young ladies of the Women’s Basketball team at Lycoming College. Their tremendous energy and enthusiasm had all the treasures and all the tables we could find delivered to Fellowship Hall in a little over an hour.

Then the remainder of the week saw dozens of different individuals (members and friends of St. Mark’s) working tirelessly at unpacking and organizing hundreds of items. Many of these volunteers came to assist for more than one day.

At the conclusion of the sale, items were sorted and shared with the Newberry Branch of NGA, Operation Christmas Child, Daniel’s Closet, Trinity Episcopal/Oxford House, Janet’s Floral and the American Rescue Workers.

Our deepest thanks to every person who worked in one way or another to make this sale a success. We could not have done it without you. Extra thanks to the Property Committee for doing yeoman’s work both at the beginning and at the end of the sale. The Property crew did all that was necessary to return Fellowship Hall, the Crossways and Bazaar rooms to their pre-sale condition.

We are blessed to have such a helping church family. May our Lord and Savior continue to bless all of you.