St. Mark's Issues Guidelines for Christmas Eve Services
To St. Mark’s Congregation: Please note that each
member of St. Mark’s will continue to have a choice of watching a
recorded version of our service on-line (available Christmas Day) – or -
attending in-person on Christmas Eve (Thursday, December 24, 2020) at
7:00 PM or 10:00 PM. If the risk becomes too high in our area or due to
inclement weather, there is always a chance that we may need to cancel
our services. We will make every attempt to notify our members. The best
way is to check our Facebook page. We will try to do a church email as
well as leave a message on our Church answering machine if this happens.
Before coming to church, it is very
important that …..
- If you are considered at risk in contracting the coronavirus,
please consider remaining at home and worshiping on-line.
- If you have symptoms related to the coronavirus, or if you believe
yourself to be ill, please do not come to in person worship. Take
advantage of video worship.
- Symptoms include Cough, Fever, and/or Shortness of Breath
- If you cannot be positive about keeping these guidelines and
requests regarding in person worship, please remain at home and
worship on line.
When you come to church, we will be following the same guidelines
that we have been using on Sunday Mornings, but with modifications
specific for Christmas Eve. The Church Opening Policy can be viewed
on our website or call the church office for a copy to be mailed to
As a reminder …..
- Safety
- Safety of our staff and members is our highest concern.
- We are following recommended guidelines by the CDC, PA Department
of Health, and our Bishop.
- Please note that face masks will be required.
- Please use hand sanitizer when you enter the church and when
appropriate during the service.
- Please respect others and practice social distancing especially
when entering and departing the building.
- Wearing gloves is at the discretion of the member (whatever makes
you the most comfortable)
- We will be cleaning back & ends of pews, door handles, Narthex
bathrooms, etc. between the services (touch points).
- For any additional details, please see our Church Opening Policy.
- We apologize if this causes any inconveniences to our worshipers.
Here is what to expect ….
- When you enter the Narthex
- Everyone will be entering only through the Narthex door. (All
other doors will be locked.)
- Please have a face mask on. (Face masks are available if needed).
- Please use the hand sanitizer station when you enter.
- Please take your coat to the pew with you as well as any other
belongings. (Please lay your coat on the pew you are sitting in.
Avoid draping your coat on the back of pews.)
- Please pick up a bulletin and a prepackaged elements for Holy
Communion from the table in the Narthex.
- If needed, there are a few hearing aid devices (leave in the pews)
and individual bags with the ear phone (take with you).
- If needed, there are a few large print bulletins (leave in the
- Ushers will be there to answer any questions and to assist you.
- When you enter the Nave
- The Baptismal Font as you enter the Nave will be empty.
- We want to accommodate as many people as we can in the Nave. We
will be using both sides of the Nave for each service. Each service
will sit in different pews, so please be sure to sit in the
appropriate pews. An Usher will be available to assist you.
- Please adhere to Social Distancing within the designated pews,
except for families or couples can sit together.
- A few “seats” on each side will be reserved for handicap people,
but may be available if advised by an Usher.
- In the event that the Nave is full, people are welcome to listen
to the service in the Narthex or the Chapel. The same guidelines
apply in the Narthex and Chapel.
- For the Service (Both services will basically be the same. We will
not be able to have our typical family service at 7:00 PM for the
obvious reasons)
- Confession and Forgiveness: We will NOT be kneeling during this
- Communion: Worshipers will take Communion at the same time while
remaining in their pews.
- Used or unused Communion items are to be placed back in the sealed
bag, and placed in a designated container as you exit the church
using the Sacristy door.
- Offering: Offering will not be collected during the service.
(There will be an Offering Basket as you exit the church.)
- Sharing of the Peace: Due to social distancing, we will not share
the Peace with physical contact.
- Children: Children are to remain in pews during children’s sermon.
- Silent Night: No Candles will be distributed to families or
- Candles at the end of the pews and on the window sills will be lit
prior to worship. Nave lights will only be partially dimmed.
- When you leave
- At the end of the service, everyone must exit at the left side of
the Nave and thru the Handicap door by the Sacristy.
- There are receptacles to discard your communion ziplock bag, and
bulletin if you so desire. (We will not be reusing bulletins)
- Those in the Chapel can exit using the Chapel door.
- Please follow social distancing as you exit.
St. Mark’s is taking important safety precautions for in person
worship. If, however, you still are uncomfortable with these steps,
please remember that online worship continues to be available
through this pandemic.