2.16.2025 - Souper Bowl of Caring - Eagles vs. Chiefs
2.9.2025 - Blessing of the Keys - Levi Gair
1.13.2025 - Welcome to St. Mark's New Council Members
12.8.2024 - Report from St. Mark's Annual Meeting
12.1.2024 - 2024 Annual Report Issued
12.1.2024 - Creating Advent Wreaths
11.17.2024 - Operation Christmas Child
10.31.2024 - Summer & Fall Food Collections
10.13.2024 - Cropwalk
9.30.2024 - Supporting Camp Mount Luther
7.27.2024 - Indoor Church Picnic
7.13.2024 - Independence Day Hospitality
4.7.2024 - Alba Paige Hanford Baptism
3.31.2024 - Images of Easter Sunday
2.18.2024 - Shrove Tuesday
2.12.2024 - Souper Bowl of Caring
12.13.2023 - Annual Meeting Report
12.13.2023 - Annual Meeting Luncheon Photos
12.10.2023 - St. Mark's Annual Report Issued
11.13.2023 - Operation Christmas Child
On February 10, 2019, we celebrated the milestone, "All the Languages of
the Good News" with Dallas Hanford and Brennan Comerford. The milestone
is for children who are of an age during which they are going out and
experiencing more of the world.
The congregation gives them several items to commemorate this milestone. Their gifts show them that the Good News can be can be shared in many different ways:
This milestone is a reminder that the St. Mark’s congregation is a huge part of the Passing the Faith ministry. The bags may be used as a tool for nurturing faith in the home.