2.16.2025 - Souper Bowl of Caring - Eagles vs. Chiefs
2.9.2025 - Blessing of the Keys - Levi Gair
1.13.2025 - Welcome to St. Mark's New Council Members
12.8.2024 - Report from St. Mark's Annual Meeting
12.1.2024 - 2024 Annual Report Issued
12.1.2024 - Creating Advent Wreaths
11.17.2024 - Operation Christmas Child
10.31.2024 - Summer & Fall Food Collections
10.13.2024 - Cropwalk
9.30.2024 - Supporting Camp Mount Luther
7.27.2024 - Indoor Church Picnic
7.13.2024 - Independence Day Hospitality
4.7.2024 - Alba Paige Hanford Baptism
3.31.2024 - Images of Easter Sunday
2.18.2024 - Shrove Tuesday
2.12.2024 - Souper Bowl of Caring
12.13.2023 - Annual Meeting Report
12.13.2023 - Annual Meeting Luncheon Photos
12.10.2023 - St. Mark's Annual Report Issued
11.13.2023 - Operation Christmas Child
Meal Packaging Event: Ending Hunger, Enriching Lives will be at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church on Saturday, April 21, from 10:00—Noon.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are needed to package 20,000 fortified tomato basil pasta meals. Volunteers fill, weigh, seal and box the meals for delivery to local Food Banks/Pantries. All supplies and equipment will be provided.
Call Michele at St. Mark’s, 570-323-4619 weekdays from 9-1 to register. Provide your name, phone number and what one-hour shift you wish to serve. Shifts are 10-11 and 11-Noon.
Also, sign-up sheets for volunteering during the event are available in the Narthex. Together we can make a difference.
Or, sign-up online: