News &
12.18.2016 - Photograph's from Pastor Elkin's Retirement dinner
12.13.2016 - Cookies, Cookies & More Cookies!
12.12.2016 - Preparing for Christmas - Kids Night Out
12.5.2016 - Praying for our College Students
12.5.2016 - A Christmas Carol Performance
12.1.2016 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.30.2016 - Pastor Elkin summarizes 20+years of life together in St. Mark's?
11.21.2016 - Christ the King Sunday Milestones
11.14.2016 - Pack 'n Wrap at Redeemer
11.6.2016 - Recognizing & Honoring All the Saints
10.29.2016 - Celebrating Reformation Sunday
10.16.2016 - Gage Charles Pittinger - Baptism Milestone
10.16.2016 - Harvest Home Sunday
10.9.2016 - Crop Walk 2016
10.5.2016 - Support the St. Mark's Crop Walk team
10.2.2016 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.2.2016 - It's Raining Quilts - They're Everywhere!
9.19.2016 - Confirmation Milestone: Sean Jensen & Dylan Ott
9.12.2016 - CELEBration!
9.12.2016 - Fall Bazaar Brings in Funds for Charity
9.4.2016 - Christian Education: Learning & Encouraging the Bible
8.24.2016 - Locked-in at St. Mark's
8.12.2016 - St. Mark's 2016 Fishing Derby
8.12.2016 - Pastor Elkin Announces Upcoming Retirement
8.10.2016 - Kits for victims of Disaster & Poverty
7.23.2016 - Helping Hands Day
7.6.2016 - St. Mark's July 4 Hospitality
6.29.2016 - “La frontera: Where Jesus Meets Us”
6.28.2016 - Stefan Weber and Jacob Schreckengast celebrate driving milestone
6.28.2016 - Synod Assembly report; Bishop elected
5.17.2016 - 2016 Annual Congregation Assembly
5.9.2016 - Youth Conduct Service
5.9.2016 - 2016 Annual Report
4.24.2016 - Applegate Baptism Celebrated
4.21.2016 - Pastor Elkin's Surprise Party Celebrating his 20th Year at St. Mark's
4.16.2016 - Commemorating 20 Years of Service - With a Youth Feast!
4.6.2016 - Food Packaging Event
3.27.2016 - Breakfast with the Pastor & Easter Egg Hunt
3.26.2016 - The Vigil of Easter
3.25.2016 - 2016 Confirmation Trip
3.19.2016 - Making Palm Crosses
3.5.2016 - Tubing
2.17.2016 - A piece of our past: 1941 Confirmation Class
2.8.2016 - Prayer Pillows for Brennan and Dallas
2.8.2016 - Join the Bell Choir!
1.31.2016 - Lenten Services Scheduled
1.10.2016 - Commemorating Baptism with Faith Chests
From the early centuries of the church, one of the chief aims of the
season of Lent has been catechetical, that is, teaching the basics of
the faith. The parts of the catechism – the Ten Commandments, the Lord's
Prayer, the Creed, Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, Confession and
Forgiveness – are worthy of regular attention. Luther himself, the one
who wrote the Small Catechism, said that he himself needed to go back to
the beginning each year, and he annually preached a series of sermons on
the catechism.
As part of our catechetical emphasis this year, our mid-week services in Lent will make use of that wonderful repository of the faith contained in six of our hymns to explore and grasp the faith once delivered to the saints in the six parts of the catechism. Hymns are of course of many types: some are straightforward statements, some are ascriptions of praise, still others are prayers. Some serve the function of teaching especially well, helping us to remember the content of the faith. We will use six of these in the following arrangement:
Our regular schedule of mid-week events is:
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10, Hymn 295……….From Depths of Woe, Confession and Forgiveness. Holy Communion in the chapel 12:00 PM , and in the Nave at 7:00 PM.
On the five subsequent Wednesdays: 11:30 AM - Mid-Day Prayers in the chapel, 12:00 Noon - Lunch, 6:15 PM - Supper, and 7:00 - Evening Prayer in the chapel:
Second Wednesday, Feb. 17, Hymn 504……..O God, My Faithful God, Ten Commandments.
Third Wednesday, Feb. 24, Hymn 166…….All Glory Be to God on High, Creed.
Fourth Wednesday, March 2, Hymn 442..O Thou, Who Hast of Thy Pure Grace, Lord's Prayer.
Fifth Wednesday, March 9, Hymn 196……All Who Believe and Are Baptized, Holy Baptism.
Sixth Wednesday, March 16, Hymn 197…O Living Bread from Heaven, Holy Communion.
Our regularly sung Morning Prayer continues each week-day at 9:00 AM in the chapel. The lessons currently are drawn from the wonderful stories of Genesis.
Whether or not it has been a practice in your family or not, come, add yourself to as many of these times of prayer, learning, and companionship as you can. There is great personal benefit, and it is for the good of the whole congregation!.