News &
12.18.2016 - Photograph's from Pastor Elkin's Retirement dinner
12.13.2016 - Cookies, Cookies & More Cookies!
12.12.2016 - Preparing for Christmas - Kids Night Out
12.5.2016 - Praying for our College Students
12.5.2016 - A Christmas Carol Performance
12.1.2016 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.30.2016 - Pastor Elkin summarizes 20+years of life together in St. Mark's?
11.21.2016 - Christ the King Sunday Milestones
11.14.2016 - Pack 'n Wrap at Redeemer
11.6.2016 - Recognizing & Honoring All the Saints
10.29.2016 - Celebrating Reformation Sunday
10.16.2016 - Gage Charles Pittinger - Baptism Milestone
10.16.2016 - Harvest Home Sunday
10.9.2016 - Crop Walk 2016
10.5.2016 - Support the St. Mark's Crop Walk team
10.2.2016 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.2.2016 - It's Raining Quilts - They're Everywhere!
9.19.2016 - Confirmation Milestone: Sean Jensen & Dylan Ott
9.12.2016 - CELEBration!
9.12.2016 - Fall Bazaar Brings in Funds for Charity
9.4.2016 - Christian Education: Learning & Encouraging the Bible
8.24.2016 - Locked-in at St. Mark's
8.12.2016 - St. Mark's 2016 Fishing Derby
8.12.2016 - Pastor Elkin Announces Upcoming Retirement
8.10.2016 - Kits for victims of Disaster & Poverty
7.23.2016 - Helping Hands Day
7.6.2016 - St. Mark's July 4 Hospitality
6.29.2016 - “La frontera: Where Jesus Meets Us”
6.28.2016 - Stefan Weber and Jacob Schreckengast celebrate driving milestone
6.28.2016 - Synod Assembly report; Bishop elected
5.17.2016 - 2016 Annual Congregation Assembly
5.9.2016 - Youth Conduct Service
5.9.2016 - 2016 Annual Report
4.24.2016 - Applegate Baptism Celebrated
4.21.2016 - Pastor Elkin's Surprise Party Celebrating his 20th Year at St. Mark's
4.16.2016 - Commemorating 20 Years of Service - With a Youth Feast!
4.6.2016 - Food Packaging Event
3.27.2016 - Breakfast with the Pastor & Easter Egg Hunt
3.26.2016 - The Vigil of Easter
3.25.2016 - 2016 Confirmation Trip
3.19.2016 - Making Palm Crosses
3.5.2016 - Tubing
2.17.2016 - A piece of our past: 1941 Confirmation Class
2.8.2016 - Prayer Pillows for Brennan and Dallas
2.8.2016 - Join the Bell Choir!
1.31.2016 - Lenten Services Scheduled
1.10.2016 - Commemorating Baptism with Faith Chests
Performed Dec 2 & 3 in support of United Campus Ministry
On Friday and Saturday, December 2-3, 2016, Lutheran Shared Ministry’s the
LSM Players presented A Christmas Carol in Fellowship Hall. The
performances were well attended. Donations for tickets supported United Campus Ministry of Penn College.
This distaff adaptation, under the direction of Deb Buckman, featured Bernadette Jones as Eudora Scrooge, with Ben Hartman narrating. Brad Heffner appeared in the role of Ebenezer’s ghost and that of Christmas Present. Other phantom appearances included Daisy LeBlanc as Christmas Past and Gordy Emick as Christmas Yet-to-Come. The Cratchit family was represented by Nate Fulkerson as Bob, Danielle Murphy as the Mrs., Gabriella Gregory as Mary, and Jayden Roberts as Tiny Tim.
The jolly nephew and the remorseful former fiancé were both portrayed by Jared Whitford, while Maya Holmes appeared as the young Eudora. As the charity collector, David Whitman tried to get a donation from Scrooge. Owen Gair, as the Turkey Boy, rounded out the cast.
Donna & Pr. Ken Elkin, Kent & Maria Weaver, and Laura & Grace Schreckengast tied the scenes together with a wide array of carols. Sadie Wentzel provided vocal accompaniment to the hauntings.
This adaptation of A Christmas Carol featuring female Scrooge was written by Bernadette Haas Jones and adapted from the traditional version of this well-known story.