News &
12.18.2016 - Photograph's from Pastor Elkin's Retirement dinner
12.13.2016 - Cookies, Cookies & More Cookies!
12.12.2016 - Preparing for Christmas - Kids Night Out
12.5.2016 - Praying for our College Students
12.5.2016 - A Christmas Carol Performance
12.1.2016 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.30.2016 - Pastor Elkin summarizes 20+years of life together in St. Mark's?
11.21.2016 - Christ the King Sunday Milestones
11.14.2016 - Pack 'n Wrap at Redeemer
11.6.2016 - Recognizing & Honoring All the Saints
10.29.2016 - Celebrating Reformation Sunday
10.16.2016 - Gage Charles Pittinger - Baptism Milestone
10.16.2016 - Harvest Home Sunday
10.9.2016 - Crop Walk 2016
10.5.2016 - Support the St. Mark's Crop Walk team
10.2.2016 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.2.2016 - It's Raining Quilts - They're Everywhere!
9.19.2016 - Confirmation Milestone: Sean Jensen & Dylan Ott
9.12.2016 - CELEBration!
9.12.2016 - Fall Bazaar Brings in Funds for Charity
9.4.2016 - Christian Education: Learning & Encouraging the Bible
8.24.2016 - Locked-in at St. Mark's
8.12.2016 - St. Mark's 2016 Fishing Derby
8.12.2016 - Pastor Elkin Announces Upcoming Retirement
8.10.2016 - Kits for victims of Disaster & Poverty
7.23.2016 - Helping Hands Day
7.6.2016 - St. Mark's July 4 Hospitality
6.29.2016 - “La frontera: Where Jesus Meets Us”
6.28.2016 - Stefan Weber and Jacob Schreckengast celebrate driving milestone
6.28.2016 - Synod Assembly report; Bishop elected
5.17.2016 - 2016 Annual Congregation Assembly
5.9.2016 - Youth Conduct Service
5.9.2016 - 2016 Annual Report
4.24.2016 - Applegate Baptism Celebrated
4.21.2016 - Pastor Elkin's Surprise Party Celebrating his 20th Year at St. Mark's
4.16.2016 - Commemorating 20 Years of Service - With a Youth Feast!
4.6.2016 - Food Packaging Event
3.27.2016 - Breakfast with the Pastor & Easter Egg Hunt
3.26.2016 - The Vigil of Easter
3.25.2016 - 2016 Confirmation Trip
3.19.2016 - Making Palm Crosses
3.5.2016 - Tubing
2.17.2016 - A piece of our past: 1941 Confirmation Class
2.8.2016 - Prayer Pillows for Brennan and Dallas
2.8.2016 - Join the Bell Choir!
1.31.2016 - Lenten Services Scheduled
1.10.2016 - Commemorating Baptism with Faith Chests
The 29th annual Assembly of the Upper Susquehanna Synod
took place at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, on June
18 & 19, 2016. The major business of the Assembly was the
election of the third bishop of the Synod.
The process of election has five ballots. The first is a nominating ballot, which resulted in a long list of persons, many with only a few votes. Many of those petitioned to remove their names from the second ballot. After the second ballot, the top seven pastors went on to the third ballot, and the top three of that group went on to the fourth ballot. At that point the top two candidates - Rev. William S. Henderson of Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lewisburg and Rev. Barbara Jeanne Collins, assistant to Bishop Driesen - were exactly tied. The final result was very close; if a half-dozen persons had voted differently, that would have been enough to change the outcome! But as it happened, Pastor BJ Collins was elected. Her six-year term begins in September.
Rev. Robert L. Driesen, current bishop of the Upper Susquehanna Synod, has served as bishop since 2007, and will retire Aug. 31.
The assembly approved a deficit budget. Revenue has
been steadily dropping in recent years, and has not met budgeted figures
for several years. Programs have been reduced but the proposed budget
was felt to contain the minimum necessary expenditure, but without
sufficient support pledged by congregations, a deficit budget was the
only way to meet expenses. The interim treasurer pleaded for additional
support, otherwise, expenses would have to be met from Synod savings.
As has been the case in the past, the Assembly was asked to vote on "memorials" to the ELCA, on issues that have both moral and political implications. This year, the Assembly approved memorials supporting "peacemaking with justice in Israel and Palestine" and "ending gun violence" by controlling the sale of "military-style assault weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines."
The other usual business of the synod was also handled: there were two ordinations, pastors who had died were remembered, 25 to 55 year anniversaries of service of pastors were celebrated, reports from all of the synod-related entities were received, Holy Communion was celebrated, and more.
Your delelgates also attended seminars offered daily during the lunch hour, on a variety of topics. the information is useful to improve programming at St. Mark's.