News &
12.18.2016 - Photograph's from Pastor Elkin's Retirement dinner
12.13.2016 - Cookies, Cookies & More Cookies!
12.12.2016 - Preparing for Christmas - Kids Night Out
12.5.2016 - Praying for our College Students
12.5.2016 - A Christmas Carol Performance
12.1.2016 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.30.2016 - Pastor Elkin summarizes 20+years of life together in St. Mark's?
11.21.2016 - Christ the King Sunday Milestones
11.14.2016 - Pack 'n Wrap at Redeemer
11.6.2016 - Recognizing & Honoring All the Saints
10.29.2016 - Celebrating Reformation Sunday
10.16.2016 - Gage Charles Pittinger - Baptism Milestone
10.16.2016 - Harvest Home Sunday
10.9.2016 - Crop Walk 2016
10.5.2016 - Support the St. Mark's Crop Walk team
10.2.2016 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.2.2016 - It's Raining Quilts - They're Everywhere!
9.19.2016 - Confirmation Milestone: Sean Jensen & Dylan Ott
9.12.2016 - CELEBration!
9.12.2016 - Fall Bazaar Brings in Funds for Charity
9.4.2016 - Christian Education: Learning & Encouraging the Bible
8.24.2016 - Locked-in at St. Mark's
8.12.2016 - St. Mark's 2016 Fishing Derby
8.12.2016 - Pastor Elkin Announces Upcoming Retirement
8.10.2016 - Kits for victims of Disaster & Poverty
7.23.2016 - Helping Hands Day
7.6.2016 - St. Mark's July 4 Hospitality
6.29.2016 - “La frontera: Where Jesus Meets Us”
6.28.2016 - Stefan Weber and Jacob Schreckengast celebrate driving milestone
6.28.2016 - Synod Assembly report; Bishop elected
5.17.2016 - 2016 Annual Congregation Assembly
5.9.2016 - Youth Conduct Service
5.9.2016 - 2016 Annual Report
4.24.2016 - Applegate Baptism Celebrated
4.21.2016 - Pastor Elkin's Surprise Party Celebrating his 20th Year at St. Mark's
4.16.2016 - Commemorating 20 Years of Service - With a Youth Feast!
4.6.2016 - Food Packaging Event
3.27.2016 - Breakfast with the Pastor & Easter Egg Hunt
3.26.2016 - The Vigil of Easter
3.25.2016 - 2016 Confirmation Trip
3.19.2016 - Making Palm Crosses
3.5.2016 - Tubing
2.17.2016 - A piece of our past: 1941 Confirmation Class
2.8.2016 - Prayer Pillows for Brennan and Dallas
2.8.2016 - Join the Bell Choir!
1.31.2016 - Lenten Services Scheduled
1.10.2016 - Commemorating Baptism with Faith Chests
Working with Trinity Episcopal
and sharing our resources, talents, and facilities once again proved
beneficial to all involved.
Twenty+ children attended the program; learning about the woman at the well, the good Samaritan, and finding Jesus wherever they are...all the while building new relationships with adults and older youth.
Ryan and Stacy, the counselors from Camp Mount Luther, did a great job leading the music and Bible studies, and opening and closing the program each night. It was a blessing to have them with us.
Twelve of our youth assisted all week, taking charge of games and helping with crafts and with the group leaders. They were: Stefan Weber, Jonah Schreckengast, Sean Jensen, Evan Barone, Hannah Haussmann, Dawson Owen, Owen Gair, Taylor Wentzel, Grace Schreckengast, and Sadie Wentzel. A special thanks goes to Taylor, Jonah, Grace, and Sadie, who helped paint and set up here at St. Mark’s the week before the event.
Assisting both here and at Trinity were Brenda Gair, Vicki Haussmann, Michele Owen, Pr. Elkin, Bernadette Jones, Becky Miller Pryor, Janet Jones, Bob Miller, Connie Shaible, Deb Buckman, and Lou DeSeau. Many thanks also go out to those from Trinity who helped with the program, especially Fr, Ken, Delores, Becky, Crystal, Nicole, and their secretary, Sherri.