News &
12.28.2015 - Presenting the Affirmers
12.25.2015 - Brother Heinrich's Christmas
12.21.2015 - Kids Night Out
12.1.2015 - Advent means it's wreath making time!
11.4.2015 - Pack 'N Wrap for Operation Christmas Child
11.4.2015 - Baptisms Celebrated on All Saints Sunday
10.29.2015 - Help For the Cold & Hungry
10.29.2015 - Recognizing & Remembering All the Saints
10.29.2015 - Flashlight Safari
10.18.2015 - Consecration Sunday 2015
10.18.2015 - Stephen Ministers Commissioned
10.17.2015 - Help For the Cold & Hungry
10.3.2015 - Heat's On! Check out the new "boiler"
9.27.2015 - New Catechetical Students Greeted
9.19.2015 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.17.2015 - Confirmation 2015
9.10.2015 - Breakfast Heralds Sunday School 2015 Start
9.9.2015 - How Do You Want St. Mark's to Improve?
8.18.2015 - Second Saturday: Drinks for All
8.10.2015 - Milestone: 70 or More Years of Praising God
8.4.2015 - 2015 Synod Assembly Report
8.4.2015 - Helping Hands
7.21.2015 - Photos: Synod Assembly & Lay Ministers
6.23.2015 - Progressions Milestone
6.7.2015 - Summer Picnic Photos
6.1.2015 - Fishing Derby at Doebler's Pond
5.30.2015 - Register for Vacation Bible School 2015
5.28.2015 - Pastor Schmitthenner Passes
5.17.2015 - Annual Congregation Assembly
5.17.2015 - Passing on Faith: Anniversary Milestone 2015
5.8.2015 - Women & Children's Dinner
4.29.2015 - 2015 Annual Report
4.23.2015 - Confirmands Track Down History
4.6.2015 - Sights from Easter Sunday
4.4.2015 - Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast
4.2.2015 - Passover Seder Celebrated
3.5.2015 - Tubing Event!
3.4.2015 - Iron Chef 2015 Supports Family Promise
2.14.2015 - St. Mark's Hobby Day
2.9.2015 - Upcoming Snow Tubing Event
1.28.2015 - Youth Quake/Zone Event
1.11.2015 - Iron Chef Williamsport is back!
Barb Thomas, Matt Fortin & Ed Barone now serving
On Sunday, October 4, 2015, St. Mark's commissioned
three new Stephen Ministers. Joining the ranks of already serving
Stephen Ministers are Barb Thomas, Matt Fortin & Ed Barone.
Over the past 17 years many committed persons have trained, and a number are actively serving. If professional help is not the answer to your personal hurt or struggle, the church is ready to assist if you ask or make a call to the Pastor. Many members and non-members of St. Mark’s have become CARE-RECEIVERS and have communicated their burdens to a special CARE-GIVER, through the Stephen Ministry program.
After the service, the new Stephen Ministers greeted the congregation at the door and hosted hospitality in the Narthex