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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


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12.28.2015 - Presenting the Affirmers

12.25.2015 - Brother Heinrich's Christmas

12.21.2015 - Kids Night Out

12.1.2015 - Advent means it's wreath making time!

11.4.2015 - Pack 'N Wrap for Operation Christmas Child

11.4.2015 - Baptisms Celebrated on All Saints Sunday

10.29.2015 - Help For the Cold & Hungry

10.29.2015 - Recognizing & Remembering All the Saints

10.29.2015 - Flashlight Safari

10.18.2015 - Consecration Sunday 2015

10.18.2015 - Stephen Ministers Commissioned

10.17.2015 - Help For the Cold & Hungry

10.3.2015 - Heat's On! Check out the new "boiler"

9.27.2015 - New Catechetical Students Greeted

9.19.2015 - Fall Bazaar a Success!

9.17.2015 - Confirmation 2015

9.10.2015 - Breakfast Heralds Sunday School 2015 Start

9.9.2015 - How Do You Want St. Mark's to Improve?

8.18.2015 - Second Saturday: Drinks for All

8.10.2015 - Milestone: 70 or More Years of Praising God

8.4.2015 - 2015 Synod Assembly Report

8.4.2015 - Helping Hands

7.21.2015 - Photos: Synod Assembly & Lay Ministers

6.23.2015 - Progressions Milestone

6.7.2015 - Summer Picnic Photos

6.1.2015 - Fishing Derby at Doebler's Pond

5.30.2015 - Register for Vacation Bible School 2015

5.28.2015 - Pastor Schmitthenner Passes

5.17.2015 - Annual Congregation Assembly

5.17.2015 - Passing on Faith: Anniversary Milestone 2015

5.8.2015 - Women & Children's Dinner

4.29.2015 - 2015 Annual Report

4.23.2015 - Confirmands Track Down History

4.6.2015 - Sights from Easter Sunday

4.4.2015 - Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast

4.2.2015 - Passover Seder Celebrated

3.5.2015 - Tubing Event!

3.4.2015 - Iron Chef 2015 Supports Family Promise

2.14.2015 - St. Mark's Hobby Day

2.9.2015 - Upcoming Snow Tubing Event

1.28.2015 - Youth Quake/Zone Event

1.11.2015 - Iron Chef Williamsport is back!

2014 Articles 2016

Ray Huff & Gary Weber2015 Synod Assembly Report


Ray Huff, Walter Haussmann, & Lou Kolb commissioned as Authorized Lay Worship Leaders


The Upper Susquehanna Synod Assembly was held on June 19-20 2015 at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove PA. Attending from St. Mark's were delegates Ray Huff and Gary Weber, together with Pastor Elkin. There were several highlights for St. Mark's:

Bishop DriesenThe keynote address was given by Mr. John Roberto of Lifelong Faith Associates, and he also led four workshops on related topics. The overall subject was faith formation for all ages, and especially the importance of digital technology in serving members and in bringing new worshipers into the church. The Bible study was led by Dr. Hoffman from Gettysburg Seminary on early portions of Mark's Gospel and its relation to faith formation. Both of these speakers were well-received.

Holy EucharistAs in previous years, the Assembly considered a series of memorials and resolutions dealing with social and environmental issues. In succession, but not without debate and some dissention, the Assembly approved the following:

There was of course the regular business of the Synod, fretting about budgets and procedures, elections, resolutions, anniversaries, etc. The work of the Gospel continues through special events and through mundane matters as well. 

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 Lay Ministers and sponsors