News &
12.28.2015 - Presenting the Affirmers
12.25.2015 - Brother Heinrich's Christmas
12.21.2015 - Kids Night Out
12.1.2015 - Advent means it's wreath making time!
11.4.2015 - Pack 'N Wrap for Operation Christmas Child
11.4.2015 - Baptisms Celebrated on All Saints Sunday
10.29.2015 - Help For the Cold & Hungry
10.29.2015 - Recognizing & Remembering All the Saints
10.29.2015 - Flashlight Safari
10.18.2015 - Consecration Sunday 2015
10.18.2015 - Stephen Ministers Commissioned
10.17.2015 - Help For the Cold & Hungry
10.3.2015 - Heat's On! Check out the new "boiler"
9.27.2015 - New Catechetical Students Greeted
9.19.2015 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.17.2015 - Confirmation 2015
9.10.2015 - Breakfast Heralds Sunday School 2015 Start
9.9.2015 - How Do You Want St. Mark's to Improve?
8.18.2015 - Second Saturday: Drinks for All
8.10.2015 - Milestone: 70 or More Years of Praising God
8.4.2015 - 2015 Synod Assembly Report
8.4.2015 - Helping Hands
7.21.2015 - Photos: Synod Assembly & Lay Ministers
6.23.2015 - Progressions Milestone
6.7.2015 - Summer Picnic Photos
6.1.2015 - Fishing Derby at Doebler's Pond
5.30.2015 - Register for Vacation Bible School 2015
5.28.2015 - Pastor Schmitthenner Passes
5.17.2015 - Annual Congregation Assembly
5.17.2015 - Passing on Faith: Anniversary Milestone 2015
5.8.2015 - Women & Children's Dinner
4.29.2015 - 2015 Annual Report
4.23.2015 - Confirmands Track Down History
4.6.2015 - Sights from Easter Sunday
4.4.2015 - Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast
4.2.2015 - Passover Seder Celebrated
3.5.2015 - Tubing Event!
3.4.2015 - Iron Chef 2015 Supports Family Promise
2.14.2015 - St. Mark's Hobby Day
2.9.2015 - Upcoming Snow Tubing Event
1.28.2015 - Youth Quake/Zone Event
1.11.2015 - Iron Chef Williamsport is back!
"70+, single and still praising God" is a milestone celebration for seniors who are widowed or were never married. On Sunday, August
9, we honored them for their years of service and friendship.
St. Mark's members who participated in the celebration were Roxie Larson, Bobbie Yetsko, Elsie Sechler, Gladys Knauss, Ann Kuntz, Shirley Vognet, Janet Jones, Elda Zeigler, Ruth Pile, Ruth Burkholder, Cecil Calvert. Blanch Doebler, Catherine Lundy, Michael Ochs, Norma Prato, and Carl Smollinger.
The group enjoyed a lunch of fruit and cheese, grilled teriyaki chicken salad and apple rosettes in fellowship hall.
Each participant was asked request hymns which had significance in their lives. These were incorporated into the service that day or used for a sing-a-long after lunch. The favorites? Here I am, Lord, How Great Thou Art, It came upon a Midnight Clear, Nearer my God to Thee, Old Rugged Cross, On Eagle's Wings, Shall We Gather at the River, Silent Night, This is my Father's World, What a Friend we have in Jesus, and When Peace like a River.
An enjoyable time for all.