News &
12.28.2014 - Christmas Outreach Report
12.27.2014 - Christmas Carol Success
12.10.2014 - Making Advent Wreaths
12.2.2014 - First Communion Celebrated
11.8.2014 - Operation Christmas Child, Pack ‘N’ Wrap
11.8.2014 - Annual Corning Glass Museum Trip
11.1.2014 - All Saints Sunday
10.30.2014 - Scenes from Consecration Sunday Breakfast
10.29.2014 - Riding the Hay Wagon
10.18.2014 - Hannah and Taylor produce quilt for charity
10.18.2014 - Crop Walk 2014
10.16.2014 - Wilderness Escape VBS Recap - PHOTOS POSTED!
10.5.2014 - Harvest Home Sunday - Blanket Sunday
10.1.2014 - Going Fishing! Photos from the fishing derby.
9.28.2014 - Signing with the Cross: New Catechetical Students
9.15.2014 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.7.2014 - Five Young Ladies Confirmed in 2014
8.31.2014 - 70+, SINGLE AND STILL PRAISING GOD milestone
8.28.2014 - Sunday School Season! Classes resume September 7
8.18.2014 - 2014 School of Religion Scheduled
8.6.2014 - Progressions Milestone
7.23.2014 - Recognizing our volunteers
7.13.2014 - Cooking with blueberries!
7.4.2014 - July 4 Hospitality
6.8.2014 - St. Mark's Summer picnic
5.28.2014 - Congratulations to our Graduates!!
5.28.2014 - Wilderness Escape VBS at St. Mark's
5.8.2014 - The 2014 St. Mark's Directory is (Finally!) here
4.20.2014 - Egg hunt and breakfast cheer kids
4.12.2014 - Catechetical Trip to Gettysburg
4.12.2014 - Easter Candy Making
3.30.2014 - Holy Week Services Scheduled
3.26.2014 - 2014 Iron Chef Williamsport Competition
3.12.2014 - Roller Skating Outing
3.1.2014 - Pictorial Directory Submitted for Publication
2.23.2014 - Iron Chef Williamsport competition anticipated
2.23.2014 - Prayer Pillows!
2.20.2014 - Ezra and Gillian attend Youth Quake/Zone
2.1.2014 - Commemorating Baptism with Faith Chests
1.15.2014 - We were smitten by the number of mittens!
WILDERNESS ESCAPE Vacation Bible School was held Monday, July 21, through Friday, July 25. We had a great time! Most of the children were from outside of St. Mark’s, when asked how they found out about us, they answered “the billboard!” One family responded to the banner on Via Bella. Youth newly stepping into leadership roles were Taylor Wentzel (in one of the craft booths, after the Jones family became disabled), Jacob Schreckengast (crafts), Stefan Weber and Evan Barone (games).
Bernadette would like to extend special thanks to her
own, Schreckengast and Zeigler families, without whom VBS would have
been seriously hindered.
Makensi Doebler, Grace Schreckengast, Sara Jones, Jacob Schreckengast, and Hayley Springer worked hard during the June workday/overnight.
Dan Zeigler (Moses) and Bob Jones (Whiner)
creatively told the story of how God helped the Israelites to escape
Egypt and survive through the wilderness. The many props for this were,
thankfully, collected by Kathy Eshelman The VBS coordinator from Calvary
Baptist Church, Elizabeth Paulhamus, created wonderful palm trees for
the Israelite camp's oasis, helped us paint, and loaned us a realistic”
fire” for Moses ' tent. At the end of the week, many of our things went
with her for their VBS the 3rd week of August. Great cooperative
We renewed acquaintances with old friends, made some new friends, and got to know our church family better! Two dozen children and over a dozen youth were involved. The mission offerings were again for Heifer International (we’re awaiting an official count). It was a week full of fun and love.
The following volunteers were just amazing and we couldn’t have had such a successful VBS without them: