News &
12.28.2013 - Social Ministry projects bring Christmas cheer
12.28.2013 - Youth "Open Hearts in Bethlehem" on Christmas Eve
12.17.2013 - Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
12.6.2013 - Advent Wreath Making
11.24.2013 - 1st Communion & Bible Milestone celebrated
11.12.2013 - Corning Glass Trip
11.8.2013 - Operation Christmas Child
11.2.2013 - All Saints Sunday 2013
11.1.2013 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.17.2013 - Blankets & Harvest Home
10.1.2013 - Hanford Baptism
9.15.2013 - Louella Bair's 100th Birthday Party
9.14.2013 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.11.2013 - Four Confirmed in 2013
9.1.2013 - Sunday School Kick-Off Brunch
8.12.2013 - Milestone: 70+, Single and Still Praising God
8.11.2013 - Confirmation Camp, 2013
8.7.2013 - Milestone: Progressions!
7.19.2013 - Tweens Day
7.15.2013 - Celebrating Independence Day with St. Mark's
6.24.2013 - Vacation Bible School 2013
6.17.2013 - The Flower Kids Strike Again
6.16.2013 - Highlights From the 2013 Synod Assembly
6.16.2013 - Annual St. Mark's Picnic on the Susquehanna
6.3.2013 - 2012-13 Annual Report to the Congregation
6.2.2013 - Fishing at the Doebler Farm
5.16.2013 - Children’s Church led by our Catechetical Students
3.30.2013 - Easter Egg Hunt Brings Out the Kids
3.29.2013 - Get ready for Vacation Bible School
3.18.2013 - Family Promise Wins Iron Chef Competition
3.17.2013 - Barone Brothers Participate in 30 Hour Famine
3.10.2013 - Catechetical Trip to Harrisburg Area Churches
3.3.2013 - 2013 Easter Worship & Activity Schedule
3.3.2013 - Iron Chef Competition Heats Up
3.1.2013 - John Bower Basketball Teams Wrap Up Season
2.12.2013 - Sights and Sounds from the St. Mark's Hobby Expo
1.29.2013 - Youth Quake Expedition 2013
1.28.2013 - Youth fundraising and musicfest
1.7.2013 - 15th Annual Catechetical Retreat
…there was a vacation Bible school! We hope you came by Fellowship Hall the week of June 17 and wandered through the town of Dirt Clod and got to meet some of its citizens! The kids and adults had a great time crafting in the General Store, Stables, Clothing Store, and Soft Goods; snacking in the Feed Store; and sending/receiving “telegrams” to/from Pastor Elkin at the Wells Fargo Office; as well as learning about how God sent Moses to save the Israelites and that He loved us enough to send Jesus to save us!
Here’s a sampling of some of their “telegrams”:
“Levi is excited because he has made 3 new friends at VBS!”
“Oh, well, I hope your daughter does good! How long did it take you to get to France? I hope you have a good time with your grandson.”
“We hope you are having a great time! We are looking forward to seeing you when you get back. We are learning about Moses in VBS. See you soon.”
“It is O.K. that you haven’t seen the Eifel Tower. (I haven’t either) I do
love Mustaches though. I wish you still wore one. Have a safe trip.”
“We are having fun at VBS!”
The children took home all their replies from Pastor. He was up from 1:00-2:00 IN THE MORNING to receive their messages and send responses!!
“GOD SIGHTINGS” were posted daily. Some as simple as “Thanks, God;” to
thanks for the VBS helpers, friends (old & new), and family; to “no injuries
at the Rodeo Romp (games)! …yet;” and (a personal favorite) “I really liked
it here and can’t wait to come next year!”
The skits were very entertaining this year as friends joined together in light-hearted, fun-filled performances.
We renewed acquaintances with old friends, made some new friends, and got to
know our church family better! 30 children and youth were involved and,
together, collected over $125 for Heifer International. It was a
rootin’-tootin’ week full of YEE-HAWS, fun and love.
The following people were just amazing and we couldn’t have had such a successful VBS without them:
Shirley Kinney, Jackie Kinney, Taylor Wentzel,
Janet Jones, Nick Buckman, Ben Haussmann,
Vicki Haussmann, Laura Schreckengast, Pam Jensen,
Jonah Schreckengast, Sara Jones, Annie Byham,
Sadie Wentzel, Evan Barone, Christina Comini,
Anna Zeigler, Laura Zeigler, Brenda Gair,
Noah (Brownie) Brown, Michele Owen, Kirk Owen,
Sharon Comini, Morgan Comini, Eric Comini,
Chris Heyne, Declan Jones, Kathy Eshelman,
Sherry Bartlow, Jungwha Kim, Bob Jones,
Stefan Weber, Devin Owen, Jacob Schreckengast,
Grace Schreckengast, Ben Haussmann, Dawson Owen,
Makensi Doebler, Bob Jones, Mike Hooker,
Lucille & Carl Weaver, Becky Pryor, Mel & Mindy Wentzel
…and a special thanks to Lou DeSeau, Bob Miller, and Bud Doebler, without
whose hard work and generosity the town of Dirt Clod would have never been