News &
12.28.2013 - Social Ministry projects bring Christmas cheer
12.28.2013 - Youth "Open Hearts in Bethlehem" on Christmas Eve
12.17.2013 - Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
12.6.2013 - Advent Wreath Making
11.24.2013 - 1st Communion & Bible Milestone celebrated
11.12.2013 - Corning Glass Trip
11.8.2013 - Operation Christmas Child
11.2.2013 - All Saints Sunday 2013
11.1.2013 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.17.2013 - Blankets & Harvest Home
10.1.2013 - Hanford Baptism
9.15.2013 - Louella Bair's 100th Birthday Party
9.14.2013 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.11.2013 - Four Confirmed in 2013
9.1.2013 - Sunday School Kick-Off Brunch
8.12.2013 - Milestone: 70+, Single and Still Praising God
8.11.2013 - Confirmation Camp, 2013
8.7.2013 - Milestone: Progressions!
7.19.2013 - Tweens Day
7.15.2013 - Celebrating Independence Day with St. Mark's
6.24.2013 - Vacation Bible School 2013
6.17.2013 - The Flower Kids Strike Again
6.16.2013 - Highlights From the 2013 Synod Assembly
6.16.2013 - Annual St. Mark's Picnic on the Susquehanna
6.3.2013 - 2012-13 Annual Report to the Congregation
6.2.2013 - Fishing at the Doebler Farm
5.16.2013 - Children’s Church led by our Catechetical Students
3.30.2013 - Easter Egg Hunt Brings Out the Kids
3.29.2013 - Get ready for Vacation Bible School
3.18.2013 - Family Promise Wins Iron Chef Competition
3.17.2013 - Barone Brothers Participate in 30 Hour Famine
3.10.2013 - Catechetical Trip to Harrisburg Area Churches
3.3.2013 - 2013 Easter Worship & Activity Schedule
3.3.2013 - Iron Chef Competition Heats Up
3.1.2013 - John Bower Basketball Teams Wrap Up Season
2.12.2013 - Sights and Sounds from the St. Mark's Hobby Expo
1.29.2013 - Youth Quake Expedition 2013
1.28.2013 - Youth fundraising and musicfest
1.7.2013 - 15th Annual Catechetical Retreat
Sunday, November 3, after the 10:30 service, we shared a light lunch and
then packed and wrapped Operation Christmas Child boxes. For the past
four years, we’ve had a great time preparing these gifts for children in
need!! A total of 61 shoeboxes were completed!!!
At Children’s Church, the following Sunday, November 10, the children processed in offertory with the completed boxes. With such a large number of shoeboxes, our shipping costs were even higher this year, and we want to thank everyone who gave so generously to cover this expense. Each shoebox cost $7 to ship.
A huge "Thank You" to all who helped at the Pack 'n Wrap, packed their own shoeboxes, and donated items or money for shipping, our collection certainly was a huge success!!!!!!!