News &
12.28.2013 - Social Ministry projects bring Christmas cheer
12.28.2013 - Youth "Open Hearts in Bethlehem" on Christmas Eve
12.17.2013 - Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
12.6.2013 - Advent Wreath Making
11.24.2013 - 1st Communion & Bible Milestone celebrated
11.12.2013 - Corning Glass Trip
11.8.2013 - Operation Christmas Child
11.2.2013 - All Saints Sunday 2013
11.1.2013 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.17.2013 - Blankets & Harvest Home
10.1.2013 - Hanford Baptism
9.15.2013 - Louella Bair's 100th Birthday Party
9.14.2013 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.11.2013 - Four Confirmed in 2013
9.1.2013 - Sunday School Kick-Off Brunch
8.12.2013 - Milestone: 70+, Single and Still Praising God
8.11.2013 - Confirmation Camp, 2013
8.7.2013 - Milestone: Progressions!
7.19.2013 - Tweens Day
7.15.2013 - Celebrating Independence Day with St. Mark's
6.24.2013 - Vacation Bible School 2013
6.17.2013 - The Flower Kids Strike Again
6.16.2013 - Highlights From the 2013 Synod Assembly
6.16.2013 - Annual St. Mark's Picnic on the Susquehanna
6.3.2013 - 2012-13 Annual Report to the Congregation
6.2.2013 - Fishing at the Doebler Farm
5.16.2013 - Children’s Church led by our Catechetical Students
3.30.2013 - Easter Egg Hunt Brings Out the Kids
3.29.2013 - Get ready for Vacation Bible School
3.18.2013 - Family Promise Wins Iron Chef Competition
3.17.2013 - Barone Brothers Participate in 30 Hour Famine
3.10.2013 - Catechetical Trip to Harrisburg Area Churches
3.3.2013 - 2013 Easter Worship & Activity Schedule
3.3.2013 - Iron Chef Competition Heats Up
3.1.2013 - John Bower Basketball Teams Wrap Up Season
2.12.2013 - Sights and Sounds from the St. Mark's Hobby Expo
1.29.2013 - Youth Quake Expedition 2013
1.28.2013 - Youth fundraising and musicfest
1.7.2013 - 15th Annual Catechetical Retreat
The kitchen, the Fellowship Hall, and the hallways at St. Mark's were
full of activity on Sunday March 17 as the 5th Annual Iron Chef
Williamsport event was in full operation. More than 30 persons were
involved as staff for the event and 108 persons were guests for the meal
that was served in Fellowship Hall from the steam tables in Middle
The entertainment for the evening was a cooking contest that took place
in our church kitchen. The challengers from Lycoming Center Presbyterian
Church, led by Pr. Jerry Fourroux, tried valiantly, but did not
overcome our home team of Pr. Elkin, Kathy Eshelman, and Todd Smith.
The winning menu was a “Grand Tour of the Mediterranean” featuring Veal and Manchego Roll with balsamic reduction glaze, Edamame Hummus and Greek Barley Salad.
The one-hour contest of cooking skill was projected to the large screen in Fellowship Hall and also made available online. The full hour of the contest has been archived and can still be watched by going to www.ustream.tv/recorded/30061870 on your home computer.
The purpose of all of the exciting activity was to raise funds and
friends for Family Promise of Lycoming
County, our local affiliate for aiding homeless families. Through dinner
guests and patrons of the event, we raised
more than $5,000 for the cause and raised the consciousness of many
persons regarding the problem and how
we can be of assistance.
Mike Caschera returned as our master of ceremonies this year and we added a “roving reporter” (or rabble rouser) in the audience! Bernadette Jones was able to talk to and with guests by means of a second camera and special electronic switcher obtained with the aid of Keith Wood of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
What a staff we have! Our youth plus four from Lycoming Center were the
servers for the meal, with Sara
Jones as head waiter. They competed with each other in “Tips for A
Promise” to raise additional funds for Family
Promise from the guests at their assigned table. The winner this year
was Josh from Lycoming Center, who received
a special gift as thanks for his diligent work. Evan Barone collected
the most of St. Mark’s youth. All of the
youth did very well throughout the evening.
Working right behind them was the kitchen cooking and plating staff, led
by Bob Jones and Nicole Walz, respectively.
Our guests enjoyed a wonderful meal of tomato bisque, sliced tenderloin of beef with Cabernet sauce, southern style green beans, and smashed sour cream & chive potatoes, with a chocolate indulgence for dessert.
Lou DeSeau did a yeoman’s job leading the set-up and clean-up for the
We received wonderful assistance from old friends, Carlos Saldivia and
the crew at First Contact; Ed Ploy of
PC Handyman; Williamsport Country Club’s Nicole Walz, Logan Hinkley and
Angela Hess; Peter Zerbe; M&T
Bank; and Mike Cashera, who did a bang-up job of keeping everyone
informed and entertained.
We are truly blessed with the members of our congregation who give so freely of themselves, with our church leaders who support us in our endeavors, with our friends who assist in many areas, with our guests, and with our patrons and sponsors. We thank God that all their efforts joined to provide a generous donation for Family Promise of Lycoming County.
Special thanks to everyone who supported the event through the purchase of a dinner ticket and our patrons for the event:
Restaurateur ($180 and more)
Phillip & Barbara Thomas
Ruth U. Pile
The Rev. Kenneth & Donna Zierdt Elkin
Grace & Tom Arner
Haute cuisine ($100--$174)
Life Celebration by MANEVAL
Kevin Novotny, director
Becky Miller Pryor
Harold & Joyce Hershberger
Jackie Kinney
Edwin J Krejci, DMD, PC
Cordon bleu ($50-$99)
Ruth Lamade
Charles & Hallie Luppert
Neil & Kathy Eshelman
Thomas & Marilyn Frazier
Gary & Shelby Weber
Dr. Ted & Jane Larson
Gary Chrisman
Dorothy Gerring
Dennis & Deborah Leonard
A la carte ($1-$49)
Carol Confer
Mel & Mindy Wentzel
John & Ruth Burkholder
Barbara Doebler
Todd Smith
Ralph & Lou Ann Zeigler
Rev. Mark & Susan Mahserjian-Smith
Deb & Jim Buckman
Children of St. Mark’s
Special thanks also for services rendered or equipment loaned/donated:
First Contact Productions
M&T Bank
PC Handyman
Roger’s Uniforms
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
For a replay of the competition: www.ustream.tv/recorded/30061870