News &
12.28.2013 - Social Ministry projects bring Christmas cheer
12.28.2013 - Youth "Open Hearts in Bethlehem" on Christmas Eve
12.17.2013 - Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
12.6.2013 - Advent Wreath Making
11.24.2013 - 1st Communion & Bible Milestone celebrated
11.12.2013 - Corning Glass Trip
11.8.2013 - Operation Christmas Child
11.2.2013 - All Saints Sunday 2013
11.1.2013 - Photos from Consecration Sunday
10.17.2013 - Blankets & Harvest Home
10.1.2013 - Hanford Baptism
9.15.2013 - Louella Bair's 100th Birthday Party
9.14.2013 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.11.2013 - Four Confirmed in 2013
9.1.2013 - Sunday School Kick-Off Brunch
8.12.2013 - Milestone: 70+, Single and Still Praising God
8.11.2013 - Confirmation Camp, 2013
8.7.2013 - Milestone: Progressions!
7.19.2013 - Tweens Day
7.15.2013 - Celebrating Independence Day with St. Mark's
6.24.2013 - Vacation Bible School 2013
6.17.2013 - The Flower Kids Strike Again
6.16.2013 - Highlights From the 2013 Synod Assembly
6.16.2013 - Annual St. Mark's Picnic on the Susquehanna
6.3.2013 - 2012-13 Annual Report to the Congregation
6.2.2013 - Fishing at the Doebler Farm
5.16.2013 - Children’s Church led by our Catechetical Students
3.30.2013 - Easter Egg Hunt Brings Out the Kids
3.29.2013 - Get ready for Vacation Bible School
3.18.2013 - Family Promise Wins Iron Chef Competition
3.17.2013 - Barone Brothers Participate in 30 Hour Famine
3.10.2013 - Catechetical Trip to Harrisburg Area Churches
3.3.2013 - 2013 Easter Worship & Activity Schedule
3.3.2013 - Iron Chef Competition Heats Up
3.1.2013 - John Bower Basketball Teams Wrap Up Season
2.12.2013 - Sights and Sounds from the St. Mark's Hobby Expo
1.29.2013 - Youth Quake Expedition 2013
1.28.2013 - Youth fundraising and musicfest
1.7.2013 - 15th Annual Catechetical Retreat
What is it like to have nothing to eat? How about
with no hands or with other disabilities? And what if you must face all this
without a decent place to sleep?
In Williamsport, most of us do not have to face these difficulties. But two St. Mark's teens took a step toward standing in the shoes of those who face these and other life threatening hazards every day. At the same time, they gathered funds to help those around the world who need food.
On March 15-16, Jerod and Evan Barone went without food. Their last meal on Friday was lunch at school. Until the next evening, they had nothing to eat.
They gathered with ten others to learn and to raise money. The teens were divided into tribes, which represent countries around the world.
Each participant represented a child with a different disability - some worse than others. Jerod had a broken arm. Evan had no hands. So, they not only faced gnawing hunger but were limited in their ability to help themselves, by their disabilities.
"Those who are unfortunate are still suffering," said Jerod Barone. He pointed out that a child dies of hunger or disease in the world once every 11 seconds. This is actually an improvement over recent years, but is still a tragedy.
The brothers had raised over $500 in their efforts by the date of the event, and were still collecting money. The funds will go to World Vision, an organization that has been fighting hunger and poverty for over 60 years in dozens of countries.
Doing God's work around the world by going hungry for a day - an experience that the Barone brothers will long remember.