News &
12.29.2012 - The Tower Spire Returns!
12.29.2012 - Advent Gift Trees
12.19.2012 - Christmas Cookie Baking
12.19.2012 - Kids Night Out
12.16.2012 - Scenes from A Christmas Carol
12.2.2012 - Advent Wreath-making
11.30.2012 - 1st Communion & 3rd Grade Bible Milestone
11.7.2012 - Honoring all the Saints
11.7.2012 - Blessing of the Keys - Riley Weber
10.25.2012 - Celebrating Consecration Sunday
10.25.2012 - Off to the Farm!
10.18.2012 - Blanket Sunday - Harvest Home Sunday Celebrated
10.6.2012 - St. Mark's Adds Members
9.26.2012 - Fall Bazaar a Success!
9.16.2012 - Catechetical Studies Underway
9.9.2012 - Confirmation 2012
9.2.2012 - Sunday School Kick-Off
8.30.2012 - Milestone: 70 or more years of praising Christ
8.5.2012 - Progressions Milestone Celebrated
7.31.2012 - Disaster Strikes St. Mark's Steeple
7.15.2012 - Bardo Baptism Milestone
7.4.2012 - Popcorn & Hot Dogs on July 4
6.22.2012 - Synod Assembly Report
6.22.2012 - VBS in Babylon
6.5.2012 - Scenes from the Summer Picnic
6.3.2012 - Fishing!!!
5.27.2012 - Hershberger-Hieber Wedding Milestone
5.27.2012 - St. Mark's Women & Children Dinner
5.9.2012 - Register for 2012 VBS!
4.29.2012 - 2012 Annual Report issued
4.7.2012 - St. Mark's annual Easter Egg hunt
3.23.2012 - "Spoon of Doom" Returns to St. Mark's
3.17.2012 - St. Mark's Lions Basketball
3.10.2012 - Confirmation Trip
3.9.2012 - Iron Chef Williamsport Challenge Issued & Accepted
2.14.2012 - YouthQuake Zone 2012
2.7.2012 - Languages Milestone Awarded
1.28.2012 - Commemorating Baptism with Faith Chests
1.28.2012 - Lenten Study Schedule Announced
1.28.2012 - Acolyte Training
On Sunday, August 12, 2012, we honored those
among us who are between the ages of 70 and 75, Single and Still
Praising God.
Following the second service, Pastor Elkin sat down with those who were able to attend and enjoyed a luncheon of cucumber soup, steak salad, seasoned Texas toast and sundaes. After the good food and good conversation were enjoyed, the staff joined them for a sing-a-long of those hymns significant to the honorees.
Those not able to attend were thought of as their
special hymns were sung.
Here is a list of those honored at the Milestone Celebration that day: Patricia Alexander, Edith Anderson, Jane Angle, Dorothy Berndt, Beverly Best, Dorothy Bingaman, Doris Brown, Cecil Calvert, Carol Confer, Art Decker, Shirley Dieffenbach, Betty Diehl, Larue Dieter, Ruth Ditchfield, Beatrice Doebler, Catherine Goertz, Alona Hopler, Charlotte Hughes, Shirley Kinney, Jane Kline, G1adys Knauss, Ann Kuntz; Ruth Lamade, Roxie Larson, Irma Logan, Catherine Lundy, Shirley MacGill, Lillian Miller, Shirley Miller, Ruth Pile, Ray Reams, Betty Rechel, Ruth Rees, Elizabeth Reusskamp, Elsie Sechler, Lillian Skeeby, Carl Smollinger, Eleanor Sobers, Betty Stroup, Jane Strous, Robert Swartz, Henrietta Tyson, Shirley Vognet, Marlene Vollmer, Eleanor Whiting, Beulah Wrede and Bobbie Yetsko.