News &
12.10.2011 - Youth Fundraising Dinner
12.6.2011 - Baptism, and other milestones...
12.6.2011 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.13.2011 - Youth Choir Debuts!
11.6.2011 - A Trek to Corning
10.16.2011 - Reflecting on God's Gifts
10.3.2011 - Blanket Sunday!
10.3.2011 - Catechetical Students Start Classes
9.24.2011 - Two Confirmed in 2011
8.28.2011 - Moses and the Freedom Fanatics
8.28.2011 - Wagner retires; Yearick hired
7.30.2011 - A Gathering of 'Tweens
7.10.2011 - July 4 hospitality
6.26.2011 - 2011 VBS - With Pandas
6.22.2011 - 2011 Summer Picnic
6.22.2011 - Congregation Council Reorganizes
5.23.2011 - Anniversary Milestone Celebrated
5.20.2011 - May Melodies
5.19.2011 - Music Director Welcomed
5.16.2011 - Annual Congregational Meeting Highlights
5.15.2011 - Donna Elkin Thanked for Standing In
5.8.2011 - St. Mark's Annual Report, 2010-11
5.3.2011 - Rain Sends Easter Egg Hunt Indoors
5.3.2011 - Passover Seder Celebrated
5.1.2011 - Pysanky Egg-Dying!
4.3.2011 - Success: Parish Musician Hired
4.1.2011 - Meandering through Museums and More!
3.30.2011 - Prayer Pillow Milestone
3.27.2011 - Pastor Elkin Posts Series of Talks on Genesis
3.27.2011 - St. Joseph the Worker Team Beats St. Mark's
3.26.2011 - Ken Sawyer live from St. Mark's
3.7.2011 - Bowling!
2.27.2011 - Bower Basketball Teams Honored
2.27.2011 - Souper Bowl Success!
2.27.2011 - The Iron Chef challenge has been accepted
Wednesday, April 20, St. Mark's continued the annual tradition of
celebrating the Passover Seder. Members and guests followed the Haggadah,
eating the foods and and following the required ritual. Participants
also enjoyed a meal of chicken, potatoes and string beans, with
strawberry shortcake for dessert. Of course, everyone got a piece
of lamb, too.
it is a Jewish festival, for Christians, Passover is of special interest
since it provides the historical background for the great Christian
festival of Easter. The Last Supper is linked with the Passover Seder,
and such concepts as the Lamb of God and the wine and bread of Communion
originated in the Passover ritual.
The kids participated in the search for the matzah. Dawson Owen found the matzah hidden under a table cloth and won the prize.
As in previous years, the meal was served by the youth and other members. Church council members served the wine for the ceremony.