News &
12.10.2011 - Youth Fundraising Dinner
12.6.2011 - Baptism, and other milestones...
12.6.2011 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.13.2011 - Youth Choir Debuts!
11.6.2011 - A Trek to Corning
10.16.2011 - Reflecting on God's Gifts
10.3.2011 - Blanket Sunday!
10.3.2011 - Catechetical Students Start Classes
9.24.2011 - Two Confirmed in 2011
8.28.2011 - Moses and the Freedom Fanatics
8.28.2011 - Wagner retires; Yearick hired
7.30.2011 - A Gathering of 'Tweens
7.10.2011 - July 4 hospitality
6.26.2011 - 2011 VBS - With Pandas
6.22.2011 - 2011 Summer Picnic
6.22.2011 - Congregation Council Reorganizes
5.23.2011 - Anniversary Milestone Celebrated
5.20.2011 - May Melodies
5.19.2011 - Music Director Welcomed
5.16.2011 - Annual Congregational Meeting Highlights
5.15.2011 - Donna Elkin Thanked for Standing In
5.8.2011 - St. Mark's Annual Report, 2010-11
5.3.2011 - Rain Sends Easter Egg Hunt Indoors
5.3.2011 - Passover Seder Celebrated
5.1.2011 - Pysanky Egg-Dying!
4.3.2011 - Success: Parish Musician Hired
4.1.2011 - Meandering through Museums and More!
3.30.2011 - Prayer Pillow Milestone
3.27.2011 - Pastor Elkin Posts Series of Talks on Genesis
3.27.2011 - St. Joseph the Worker Team Beats St. Mark's
3.26.2011 - Ken Sawyer live from St. Mark's
3.7.2011 - Bowling!
2.27.2011 - Bower Basketball Teams Honored
2.27.2011 - Souper Bowl Success!
2.27.2011 - The Iron Chef challenge has been accepted
After two years of work, two young members of the
congregation were confirmed at the 10:30 AM service on September 11, 2011. These
young people became adult members of St. Mark's with all the rights and
responsibilities that follow their commitment.
Students being confirmed in their faith were: Jarrett Eyer and Dustin Pelleschi.
Jarrett's mentor was Eric Comini and Dustin's mentor was Rick Robertson.
The confirmation process at St. Mark's involves close interaction between the confirmands and a mentor, who works with the student and provides moral support a good example. Thanks to the mentors.
In Confirmation, those being confirmed recognize and affirm the baptism they
received as children and take personal responsibility for living out the
promises their parents made at their baptism. Confirmands profess their faith
and make promises before God to love, trust and serve God and Christ. As an
adult member of Christ's family, confirmands express their intentions to live
among God's faithful people, attend to God's worship, and show the Gospel in
lives of faithful service.
Hospitality was provided by the parents and mentors for the congregation and was held in Fellowship Hall.
The confirmands were offered the congratulations of the congregation and their families. Please pray for them and encourage them on the occasion of this important step in their lives.