News &
12.10.2011 - Youth Fundraising Dinner
12.6.2011 - Baptism, and other milestones...
12.6.2011 - Making Advent Wreaths
11.13.2011 - Youth Choir Debuts!
11.6.2011 - A Trek to Corning
10.16.2011 - Reflecting on God's Gifts
10.3.2011 - Blanket Sunday!
10.3.2011 - Catechetical Students Start Classes
9.24.2011 - Two Confirmed in 2011
8.28.2011 - Moses and the Freedom Fanatics
8.28.2011 - Wagner retires; Yearick hired
7.30.2011 - A Gathering of 'Tweens
7.10.2011 - July 4 hospitality
6.26.2011 - 2011 VBS - With Pandas
6.22.2011 - 2011 Summer Picnic
6.22.2011 - Congregation Council Reorganizes
5.23.2011 - Anniversary Milestone Celebrated
5.20.2011 - May Melodies
5.19.2011 - Music Director Welcomed
5.16.2011 - Annual Congregational Meeting Highlights
5.15.2011 - Donna Elkin Thanked for Standing In
5.8.2011 - St. Mark's Annual Report, 2010-11
5.3.2011 - Rain Sends Easter Egg Hunt Indoors
5.3.2011 - Passover Seder Celebrated
5.1.2011 - Pysanky Egg-Dying!
4.3.2011 - Success: Parish Musician Hired
4.1.2011 - Meandering through Museums and More!
3.30.2011 - Prayer Pillow Milestone
3.27.2011 - Pastor Elkin Posts Series of Talks on Genesis
3.27.2011 - St. Joseph the Worker Team Beats St. Mark's
3.26.2011 - Ken Sawyer live from St. Mark's
3.7.2011 - Bowling!
2.27.2011 - Bower Basketball Teams Honored
2.27.2011 - Souper Bowl Success!
2.27.2011 - The Iron Chef challenge has been accepted
St. Mark's annual congregational meeting took place after the
second service on May 15, 2011. This is one of two annual meetings required by the church constitution.
Only two items of business were on the agenda. The most critical item of business was the election members of the Congregation Council. The nominating committee submitted four names to fill the four open positions: Bonnie Eyer, a one term incumbent, and new members Walter Haussmann, Ray Huff and Dan Ziegler. The nominating committee's report was approved without dissent and all four were approved for three year terms on Council.
At the conclusion of the election, out-going President, Gary
Weber, congratulated the new Council members and welcomed them
to their new responsibilities. He also thanked their
predecessors for their service: Beth Shafranko, who was also
Worship and Music Committee Chair, Mutual Ministry member and
Assistant Secretary; Todd Smith, who was Vice President of
Council; and Scott Bittner, Chair of Property Committee.
The second item of business on the agenda was to consider approving the booklet of reports submitted to the membership. The reports were approved unanimously.
As a final matter, President Weber thanked the search committee which successfully discovered our new Music Director, Jungwha Kim. The committee, composed of Deb Buckman, Joyce Hershberger, Karen Boone, Bernadette Jones, Pastor Elkin and Carl Hieber, worked diligently to find a high quality candidate for the position.
The meeting adjourned to a reception held in honor of Music Director Jungwha Kim, in fellowship hall.