News &
12.28.2010 - Kids Day Out - Cookie Baking
12.22.2010 - Advent Wreath-making
12.22.2010 - A Christmas Carol
12.4.2010 - Trip to Corning Glass Museum
12.4.2010 - First Communion - Third Grader Bible Milestone
12.2.2010 - Teen Lock-in
12.2.2010 - Operation Christmas Child
11.16.2010 - Fall Fun Fest
11.10.2010 - All Saints Sunday
11.9.2010 - Celebrating Consecration Sunday
10.28.2010 - Harvest Home Sunday
10.28.2010 - Fun at the Maze
9.29.2010 - Dick Lakey moving on
9.29.2010 - New confirmation students begin study
9.13.2010 - Four Confirmed
9.9.2010 - Sunday School Kick Off
8.31.2010 - Progressing to College
8.31.2010 - 'Tweens Day
8.30.2010 - Choir Camping in Oz
7.5.2010 - St. Mark's, Hot Dogs and Popcorn
7.1.2010 - Vacation Bible School
6.7.2010 - Annual Picnic
6.4.2010 - Audit Committee Gets to Work
6.4.2010 - Jane Larson retires as Stephen Leader
5.5.2010 - St. Mark's Annual Report Posted
5.4.2010 - Family Promise Set to Open
4.27.2010 - Iron Chef Williamsport
4.21.2010 - Icon Tea
4.20.2010 - Successful Spring Clothing Sale
4.20.2010 - Preparing for Easter
4.19.2010 - Easter Vigil Baptisms Celebrated
4.9.2010 - Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast
4.8.2010 - Passover Seder
3.30.2010 - Pysanky Egg Dying
3.22.2010 - Iron Chef Challenge Accepted!
3.6.2010 - Prayer Pillow Milestone Celebrated
3.6.2010 - 50 Years in Our Nave!
2.21.2010 - 2009-10 St. Mark's Basketball Teams
2.21.2010 - Stephen Minister Sunday
2.16.2010 - All the languages milestone awarded
1.23.2010 - Baking Bread for Epiphany
1.21.2010 - Commemorating Baptisms
Eight 5th-6th graders gathered in the front lounge at
9:30 on Wednesday morning, August 18, for our first annual Tweens’ Day! They
watched and discussed a movie with Pastor Elkin, Michele and Bernadette,
shared Mr. Lakey’s meatloaf with the regular crew at Lunch ’n’ Fellowship,
assembled eight health kits and eight school kits to give to the Women of
St. Mark’s for distribution. Sharon Comini and Diana Zeigler generously
supplemented supplies already on hand in order to round out the kits. When
you see Morgan, Makensi, Melissa (friend of Makensi), Ben, Dawson, Stefan,
Anna or Laura, ask them how they enjoyed their day!