News &
12.20.2009 - Christmas Eve 2009
12.19.2009 - Trees of Hope
12.19.2009 - Kids Day out
12.13.2009 - Caroling & Cookies
12.1.2009 - Advent Wreaths 2009
11.23.2009 - A Day of Milestones
11.2.2009 - Honoring our Saints
10.31.2009 - New Confirmands Recognized
10.4.2009 - Blanket Sunday
9.23.2009 - Welcome to Missionary Bette McCrandall
9.22.2009 - St. Mark's Organ Celebrates 70 Years
9.18.2009 - St. Mark's Welcomes Bishop Driesen
9.16.2009 - Five Confirmed
9.10.2009 - The Progressions Milestone
9.8.2009 - Grand Slam Parade
9.8.2009 - Confirmation Camp
8.28.2009 - Summer Choir Camp a Success!
7.23.2009 - American Rescue Workers Forum
7.23.2009 - Thrivent Build - 2009
7.8.2009 - Independence Day Hospitality
7.6.2009 - You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
6.19.2009 - At the picnic!
6.15.2009 - St. Mark's Vacation Bible School 2009
5.26.2009 - 2009 Woman and Children's Banquet
5.22.2009 - New Council Members Elected
5.7.2009 - 2008-09 Annual Report posted
5.2.2009 - Clothing Sale Success
4.26.2009 - Church Yard Work Day 2009
4.21.2009 - Iron Chef Williamsport
4.14.2009 - Annual Easter Egg Hunt
4.12.2009 - Two Baptisms at the Easter Vigil
4.11.2009 - The Passover Seder
4.10.2009 - Crosses for Palm Sunday
4.9.2009 - Pysanky!!
4.1.2009 - Blessing of the Keys - Katie Schmitt
4.1.2009 - United Campus Ministry "Mission Possible"
3.30.2009 - Catechetical Adventure
3.25.2009 - The Spoon of Doom Challenge for Family Promise
2.24.2009 - Catechetical Retreat 2009
2.19.2009 - St. Mark’s Lions put on a good show!
2.15.2009 - Video Testament: Pastor Elkin discusses Mark
1.26.2009 - We Went Bowling!
It is time to celebrate the faithful work of part of the St. Mark's family that makes the widest variety of sound. It is the seventieth anniversary of our organ that was built by the Möller Organ Company in 1939. For the past seventy years our magnificent organ has inspired and made possible the wonderful music that has been at the heart of our worship services, special events, weddings, funerals, concerts and a variety of other occasions.
The original Möller was installed in the old church in
1939 during the pastorate of the Rev. Dr. J. Ray Houser and was removed in
April of 1959 to the Möller factory in Hagerstown, Maryland in order to be
completely redesigned and rebuilt for the new church. The console was also
rebuilt and refinished in blond oak and mounted on a moveable platform for
use in concerts and other musical programs.
When you listen to the beautiful music that emanates from the instrument, you can easily forget the very intricate system of pipes that make it possible. The chancel organ comprises the four main divisions in a chamber 41 feet wide, 28 feet high at its apex and 9 feet deep. Two of the organ divisions are enclosed with shades or shutters which permit control of the tone.
The 2682 pipes in the organ are given voice by air blown
into large reservoirs by an electric blower located in the church basement.
Each of the 75 stops and 19 couplers which are arranged around the organist
at the console control a rank of pipes (32 or 73 pipes per rank) or one of
the many mechanical devices such as sub, super or unison couplers which make
the modern organ so flexible. Under the manuals are located 37 pistons, as
well as 18 more over the pedal keyboard which provide an infinite variety of
tonal changes at the touch of a finger or a foot.
During those seven decades just two men have served St. Mark’s as organist and choir director. Frederick A. Snell in the early years and Richard J. Lakey for the last many years. Indeed, in April 2007, Mr. Lakey was recognized for his 30 years of service.
The sounds of the notes coming from our unique console, the wonderful acoustics of our nave and the exceptional talents of our organists, past and present have help all of us at St. Mark’s to “sing to the Lord” and inspire our worship for many years in the past and with God’s help for years to come.
To commemorate the anniversary, St. Mark's is in the
middle of a month-long celebration of this musical treasure in the heart of
Williamsport. On each of the past three Sundays, Mr. Lakey has played one or
more of the longer compositions by J.S. Bach, some of the premier works for
organ: the Toccata and Fugue in d minor on September 6, the g minor Fugue on
September 13, and the Toccata, Adagio and Fugue on September 20, 2009. In
addition, the service on September 13 concluded with the Westminster
Carillon of Louis Vierne, a grand work. The Prelude and Fugue in D major
will be performed on September 27.
On September 27 a brief program following the service featured a video of the interior of the organ, the parts that no one gets to see because they are behind the east wall of the chancel. The organ is a large and marvelous instrument, one of the most complex things ever made by man before recent times. Mr. Lakey assisted with demonstration of how the instrument is operated. See the video.
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