News &
12.24.2008 - Dossal Replacement Brightens Chancel
12.13.2008 - Kid's Day Out
12.12.2008 - 19th Century London Visits St. Mark's
12.2.2008 - Advent Wreath Artistry
12.2.2008 - Primary Student Bible Milestone
11.24.2008 - Makensi Doebler and Kameera Smith baptized.
11.23.2008 - Passing on Faith: First Communion
11.20.2008 - Operation Christmas Child
11.10.2008 - Lycoming College Choir Performs at Worship Service
11.2.2008 - All Saints Sunday - 2008
10.30.2008 - Consecration Sunday 2008
9.23.2008 - Bishop's Assistant Stone visits St. Mark's
9.14.2008 - Five Catechetical Students Confirmed
9.8.2008 - Heralding the Sunday School Year
9.7.2008 - Habitat for Humanity Work Day
8.30.2008 - Milestone: 70, Single and still Praising God!
8.19.2008 - Choir Camp 2008
8.17.2008 - Six Baptisms Celebrated
8.17.2008 - Blessing of the Keys - Brett & Lauren Campbell
8.3.2008 - Levi Kurt Gair baptized.
7.5.2008 - St. Mark's Celebrates Independence Day
7.2.2008 - Spectacular! VBS 2008.
6.3.2008 - Annual Congregational Picnic
5.29.2008 - The Narnia Lock-In
5.15.2008 - Women & Children's Dinner
5.13.2008 - Wedding Anniversary Milestone
4.13.2008 - Entertaining at Rose View Court
4.12.2008 - Confirmation Class Gettysburg Trip
3.25.2008 - Easter Egg Hunt 2008
3.25.2008 - Sharon Comini's Mission to New York City
3.24.2008 - The Passover Seder
3.23.2008 - Egg Dying - An Easter Tradition
3.3.2008 - Annual Youth Retreat at Camp Mt. Luther
3.3.2008 - 2008 Prayer Pillow Milestone
2.24.2008 - Pray for Carl Hieber's Dental Mission
Habitat work day + tropical storm Hanna = wet and muddy volunteers! On September 6, 2008, St. Mark's sent a group of 20 volunteers to work at the Apostle Build project in the Newbury section of Williamsport. The goal - get the house sided and roofed. The work started just as tropical storm Hanna hit the city.
The St. Mark's group joined several other groups to get much of the siding work done. A good start was made on the roof, but the weather conditions hampered the project. Weather was a factor throughout the day. Everyone got soaked - some more than others. Much of the siding work took place under the roof overhang, and spouting was not yet in place. The siding installers took on rain water from the roof, as well as mud underfoot. Roofers faced wet and slippery conditions. Pastor Elkin heard one of the volunteers remark, that if he were required to work under such conditions in his regular job, he would have quit!
Assisting with the project: Todd Smith, Nick Buckman, Pastor Elkin, Declan & Bernadette Jones, Mike Hooker, Chris Heyne, Stefen Scheib, Paul & Jane Zimmerer, Matt Fortin, Chris MacGill, and Gary Weber. The food crew included: Becky Miller Pryor, Cheryl Williams, Trish Hershey, Sara Jones, Cindy Huff, Elsie Sechler, and Michele, Devin & Dawson Owen.
The crew was, despite the weather, in good spirits and worked hard all day. The reward - a great lunch, and a feeling of accomplishment. A bonus - everyone learned a new building skill.